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11th Anniversary items collection of EA Japan

Lord Gareth

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Wait, there was a box last year we could get a charger, a shroud and a soulstone along with a 7th char slot and a space increase from?
It was only available in japan. :sad4:
And EAMythic just wonders why we HATE them all.....shesh. Also thanks for playing for 11 years. To show how much we value your gametime spend $30 for gifts for 11th anniv.

Give me a break.....




I read so many horror stories about buying stuff through uogamecodes I'm scared to even try it. Does anyone actually successfully use it?
I have bought a few things from there and haven't had a problem. I do know that others have had issues though so I guess its a toss up.

Duke X. Winter

Everyone who thinks that EA cares about the Japanese players more doesn't understand the situation. The Japan team managing UO has always had enormous amounts of freedom when it comes to managing promotions and in-game events. They are doing what the best they can for their players.

But it is not the same for "us". We had Origin, then EA and now Mythic. There are a lot of reasons stuff is done differently. They (Mythic now) know we don't like the way they do things but they keep doing it the same old way anyway. Until they get someone in there who cares as much as the Japan team does it is always going to be this way.
Just to quickly clarify something...by the time UO came around, OSI (Origin Systems Inc) had already been owned by EA for sometime. It's been stated in the past that OSI was just a holding name, and not a separate company from EA.

I can't personally comment on why the Japanese team seems to care more then the North American team though. Does seem a little weird.


Why do I get the feeling that the Japanese office have jumped the gun and published something before the agreed release date? Again?
because the japanese side doesn't give a flying frig, they are invulnerable and can do quite a bit of 'what they want' without any consequences, to a degree.


So, I been sitting here thinking about this since lastnight. Correct me if im wrong but being it be the 11th anniversary, without us as the paying customers it would not of made it a year. So with that said, wouldn't it be as much as "our" anniversary as it is theirs?
So.. this means what they are doing would be like.. "hey honey, it's our anniversary and I made you this lovely blanket, now, give me $30 and it's yours"....
Just makes no sense to me!
If it were not "our" anniversary too they would not be giving out any sort of gift BUT, they are... so, someone explain that to me!

Flora Green

I read so many horror stories about buying stuff through uogamecodes I'm scared to even try it. Does anyone actually successfully use it?
I've used it several times and never had a problem. It seems to be hit or miss for some. I'm planning to use it today, hopefully all will go well.


Why are people HERE (US) assuming we're going to be asked to pay $30 for these items. I don't think that's the case and I'm going to wait for Jeremy's update before getting upset.

I think we're going to get one token for free per character (as we have in the past) and Japan is going to have a box to buy that will include more than a single token and other "benefits" such as more storage or more dyes or whatever and they'll buy that box...

Wait for the announcment intended for US people before we get angry.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Why are people HERE (US) assuming we're going to be asked to pay $30 for these items. I don't think that's the case and I'm going to wait for Jeremy's update before getting upset.

I think we're going to get one token for free per character (as we have in the past) and Japan is going to have a box to buy that will include more than a single token and other "benefits" such as more storage or more dyes or whatever and they'll buy that box...

Wait for the announcment intended for US people before we get angry.
Finally a post I agree with. Patience my fellow players, I really don't think they've forgotten us.



Why are people HERE (US) assuming we're going to be asked to pay $30 for these items. I don't think that's the case and I'm going to wait for Jeremy's update before getting upset.

I think we're going to get one token for free per character (as we have in the past) and Japan is going to have a box to buy that will include more than a single token and other "benefits" such as more storage or more dyes or whatever and they'll buy that box...

Wait for the announcment intended for US people before we get angry.
I agree, I haven't read anywhere that we are being charged. And if
we are Hopefully it will be maybe 9.99 or 19.99.


I read so many horror stories about buying stuff through uogamecodes I'm scared to even try it. Does anyone actually successfully use it?
I have bought a few things from there and haven't had a problem. I do know that others have had issues though so I guess its a toss up.
It depends on the quantity you wish to purchase. The codes store works for purchase of single items, even if multiple single items. Where it goes awry is trying to increase the quantity of an item to "2." It won't let you. Therefore you must process multiple orders for quantities of "1 each" if you want more than one of any given item. Once you place your second order, the site will not allow you to process anything else for 30 days. It's absurd. But if all you need is a single item, you're golden :)


Sounds great.

I'm particularly excited about these items.

Hitching Post
Resist Earrings
Ancestral Gravestone (curious whether you can go beyond 120 with this)


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I can't personally comment on why the Japanese team seems to care more then the North American team though. Does seem a little weird.
I don't think it's a matter of caring I think it's more a matter of legalities. They are a different culture, and their society drives laws based on different moral and traditional standards than ours. A good bit of which also involves business practices, simply put they can do things they can't in the US because of labor law, consumer rights laws, and what is considered acceptable business practice.


Why are people HERE (US) assuming we're going to be asked to pay $30 for these items. I don't think that's the case and I'm going to wait for Jeremy's update before getting upset.

I think we're going to get one token for free per character (as we have in the past) and Japan is going to have a box to buy that will include more than a single token and other "benefits" such as more storage or more dyes or whatever and they'll buy that box...

Wait for the announcment intended for US people before we get angry.
Why does Jeremy find it so hard to answer basic questions then? I don't even know what her job is. They need to hire a PR person that tells us useful information, not wait until Friday and find out what new colours there will be for plants.


I don't think it's a matter of caring I think it's more a matter of legalities. They are a different culture, and their society drives laws based on different moral and traditional standards than ours. A good bit of which also involves business practices, simply put they can do things they can't in the US because of labor law, consumer rights laws, and what is considered acceptable business practice.
This is very true.

And yeah lets wait till we get an official post from jeremy.


Nicely stated ... I'd gladly buy a box anny edition for a crack at more than 1 token per character. However, I can wait and see what happens.

But the silence is deafening as far as EA goes lately.


I'd love to get the post only for my miner and it certainly would negate any need for altering stable slot coding. Any idea where the Hitching Rope would be gotten from? I'm thinking from NPC Trainer or perhaps a crafter with a certain amount of Lore and/or Taming and/or Vet skill?


The FAQ on the UO Japan site says that it will be craftable with Tinkering.
Rope craftable with tinkering skill? Wouldn't a skill working with cloth or fibers be more appropriate... like um... TAILORING... well no one asked me... but as long as we can make it rechargable... I'm all for it!!!

Now we just need to hear from Jeremy... Soon(ish?)


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Rope craftable with tinkering skill? Wouldn't a skill working with cloth or fibers be more appropriate... like um... TAILORING... well no one asked me... but as long as we can make it rechargable... I'm all for it!!!

Now we just need to hear from Jeremy... Soon(ish?)
Yea it would sound more like a tailor bit, but then again why do you need cloth to make a harp?

Nine Dark Moons

Stratics Veteran
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I read so many horror stories about buying stuff through uogamecodes I'm scared to even try it. Does anyone actually successfully use it?
I also have used it many times over last couple years with no problems. I hate that you can only buy one transfer token at a time though. And if you try to buy too many in a row it shuts you off and tells you you've exceeded your monthly limit or something, which is an a55 backwards approach to marketing imo. But I've never had a problem. I've also bought storage/housing upgrades for my accounts and ML upgrade codes, etc. with no problem.


With how much credit card fraud goes on these days on the internet... and with the average price under $40 for items on their store... I can understand why they limit purchases so they can make sure they don't sell someone 10 codes, give the codes and get a "Charge back" because the card was no good.


Stratics Veteran
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Rope craftable with tinkering skill? Wouldn't a skill working with cloth or fibers be more appropriate... like um... TAILORING.
The hitching rope is craftable with tinkering instead of tailoring for consistency with the acid proof rope which is craftable with carpentry instead of tailoring :mf_prop:

RaDian FlGith

Babbling Loonie
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I (WE) Are Sorry for For not believeing in you Jeremy
No, WE are NOT sorry for not believing in you, Jeremy. I for one am bloody tired of paying for this game and feeling like a second-hand customer. And now that WAR is out, I guarantee you that Mythic's larger focus is on the new beast, not the dying, red-headed step-child that they were forced to take on because they're now EA's "online" division.

EA/Mythic's decisions regarding UO over the past three years have been more frustrating than appropriate, and at this point, I really am starting to believe that while most on the DevTeam may feel they are totally vested in UO's growth, that there's not a SINGLE one of them that actually remembers the deepness, the potential of this game. You can see it in the decisions they may about certain systems. It's all bones being thrown without any true depth anymore.

We can all sit and pray that UO:SA provides depth and excitement... but after Mondain's Legacy, which added a race, a POORLY implemented questing system (my god, we have to MARK our quest items, and can't be on two quests needing the same item without it screwing up -- EVERY other MMOG with quests got that system right), and a small handfull of "peerless" dungeons which have, by and large, become soloable (in-rush of "everything in the game SHOULD be soloable in an MMOG because MY playstyle is valid" comments here), and we're left with an expansion that just makes me less excited about the next one. Not to mention the idiocy in decisions like "Oh, I know how to make a South facing X -- hope I can find directions on how to build it so it faces East, because, you know, turning the thing to face a different direction is beyond my skill..." make you go "Huh? They put in facing recipes so there was something else for me to hunt for? Art team must have been on vacation."

UO:KR... A travesty that they've realized is never going to be adopted, and so they're trying again with an SA client -- and going back on the KR-only SA attitude so that instead of pushing technological boundaries and introducing something new and exciting, we're getting held back to the restrictions (and there are OH so many now) of the 2D client.

And now I'm supposed to be part of a "WE" who are sorry for not believing in EA/Mythic because they're hand-feeding stuff to Japan while the States get overlooked yet again? I mean, you know, the game originated here. But I bet if EA got a bit of honesty in its bones, they'd tell us that the real reason for this is that EA Japan's customer base adds up to more than 50% of current subscribers, and that we here in the states are lucky if we're about 30% now.

Those would ALL be failings of EA/Mythic, NOT of its customer base.


Lore Keeper
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I pretty much agree with you RaDian, out of 7 accts this is my last one and I dont see myself reinstating any of them soon


Belaern d'Zhaunil
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I must admit I'm with Ra'Dian too.... I'm so sick and angry over all the BS of late to come out of EA games..... I'm looking at my 8 accounts, the dwindling number of friends who still play UO..... and I'm asking myself..... "Why do you still play?"..... I think only because I have this dream and hope that someone over at EA/Mythic will pull their head out of their....._ _ _ and really put some effort into UO... I can not understand why it's so hard to understand we don't really care about the junk... don't give me more pixels if your only going to do a half-_ _ _ job of it...... DON'T give me a new client if your only going to do a half-_ _ _ job.... don't give me a new expansion if your only going do do a half-_ _ _ job..... do it right or don't freaking do it at all and just give it up already..... don't waste your time or mine on this half-_ _ _ crock ..... ..... If all you care about is limping the game along and not really putting the effort into the game that it should get ..... then by all means shut it down or sell it to someone who will..... surely it can not be that difficult.

We very much love UO..... those of us who continue to hang around do so because we really love the game.... and it pains me to see it in this state. Everytime I log in I find another house has fallen and another friend gone... Soon there will be nothing left to log in for.

What's worse...... there is NO other game out there I care to spend my 12.99 X8 on.... No other game comes close to what UO really could be...... if someone cared that is.... UO could have really great graphics.... as well as super content.... and it could have a true 3d.....


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
God, you people sure are overexcitable. Try calming down a bit, it works wonders. And yes, I see the irony in it being me saying that.


Petra, I've used it 5 or 6 times, and NEVER had a problem.

I suspect that those having a problem might be having more a problem with their own overly sensitive security software blocking the transaction, than with the site.

Security software can do strange things - after all, look at the current issue where Norton 09 users can't use their macros... (see post on that elsewhere)
Just a heads up on this problem! whenever i have tried to order from the EA site it fails useing AOL, When i use just Internet explorer it always work.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I agree, I haven't read anywhere that we are being charged. And if
we are Hopefully it will be maybe 9.99 or 19.99.
Our monthly fees were increased years ago under the disguise of providing move live content and other bs.

We've already paid for it.

Uriah Heep

Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I agree, I haven't read anywhere that we are being charged. And if
we are Hopefully it will be maybe 9.99 or 19.99.
Our monthly fees were increased years ago under the disguise of providing move live content and other bs.

We've already paid for it.
Old memories aren;t always the most reliable...but I believe it was for improved customer service rolleyes:


I can't personally comment on why the Japanese team seems to care more then the North American team though. Does seem a little weird.
I don't think it's a matter of caring I think it's more a matter of legalities. They are a different culture, and their society drives laws based on different moral and traditional standards than ours. A good bit of which also involves business practices, simply put they can do things they can't in the US because of labor law, consumer rights laws, and what is considered acceptable business practice.
Is this not a Us run company? hmm just a thought but does discrimination come in play here?


Old memories aren;t always the most reliable...but I believe it was for improved customer service rolleyes:
Correct, we have a winner. Needless to say though, the money did absolutely ZERO, regardless what it was meant for.


Goodman's Rune Library
Stratics Veteran
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EA/Mythic's decisions regarding UO over the past three years have been more frustrating than appropriate, and at this point, I really am starting to believe that while most on the DevTeam may feel they are totally vested in UO's growth, that there's not a SINGLE one of them that actually remembers the deepness, the potential of this game. You can see it in the decisions they may about certain systems. It's all bones being thrown without any true depth anymore.
I agree with your post in its entirety but most particularily this part. I truly don't think anyone understands just how many of us there are. Those of us who have waited years and years just for a glimpse or a sliver of just how much fun this game was to play in its early years.

For my 11th Anniversary present, I'd like to throw a few regs in a bag, put on my gm armor and go down the Serpents Cross Tavern and defend her from pks just one more time.....

Goodman's Rune Library
Atlantic Shard


Old and in the way
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Dread Lord
Tread lightly here folks. I am rather intolerant of personal attacks at this moment.


Old and in the way
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Dread Lord
*chuckles* It is suitable...


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I read so many horror stories about buying stuff through uogamecodes I'm scared to even try it. Does anyone actually successfully use it?
Oh no, I hadn't thought it out. uogamecodes won't take my username. Sigh :(

So.... It's an anniversary, needs to just be a gift.


Old and in the way
Stratics Veteran
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Dread Lord
I have never had issues buying items, codes, etc.


I have never had issues buying items, codes, etc.
well if your using aol like i do you may have problems. but i have dsl through a separate entity so try to open up just internet explorer and do your shopping. its the only way it works for me! good luck but im sure it will work!


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Is this not a Us run company? hmm just a thought but does discrimination come in play here?
Japan has their own group to manage UO, so while it's a US company, its a Japanese division. It's not uncommon for companies to have divisions in different regions and have those regions adapt and follow local business practices. So really it being a US parent company is a moot point on this.

Warrior of Time

I can't wait to find out that you buy a 7th char slot and extra storage then they include it free when you buy UO:SA

If that happens it could get exciting around here.

a slave girl

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I'd be HAPPY to give Any and All New Players from Everywhere and Anywhere Nice Rare Ingame Gifts if it gets them to...

Try UO...

Play UO...

Fall in Love with UO...

And Continue to PAY For UO...

Because That Could Very Well Help to Save UO.

For All of Us.


I'll just have 11 more years of UO as my 11th anniversary gift thanks.

I can always get any new items ingame eventually.

That is, so long as there's a GAME left to log into.

Warrior of Time

I think it would be nice for you to be able to see the pet standing at the house when it is hitched [stabled].

I can just picture a squirrel hitched along side of a Dread War Horse.


When buying from UO Gamecodes make sure to check your junk email folder if you have the junk filters turned on in Outlook. Outlook will send the email containing the game code to your junk email folder.