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  1. celticus

    @mesanna, @kyronix, @bleak Our recommendations for upcoming changes.

    Let us put in this thread ideas that may help the Devs come up with prevention of some of the issues discussed very nicely my members of the Forum here, in a NICE way to the Devs to see and the reasons why. Please feel free to add items that concern us all. For instance: =Please if you really...
  2. celticus

    @Kyronix, @Mesana, Devs PLEASE fix these for Pub 100.

    It has been one year since the pet revamp and pets with Chiv still get large amounts of damage from collateral spawn after they have cast EoO. Also when Chiv pets fight one creature, they keep casting Holy Light. Are these bugs, or intended? Can you Fix the EoO item? That is vital to a lot of...