Hello Citizen
We need a meeting about Safe Haven and how to keep it alive and we need a Town Council, a Mayor and I think 3-5 Council members.
I would like you to post here if you would like to run for Council member or Mayor or drop a book with your comments and ideas in our mail box at the Safe Haven Crafting Center and Hub. Also what times a meeting would work for you.
I will make a pile of the books so all Safe Haven Citizens can read them unless you put a note in book, that you don't want your book public. Please write name of the owner of your Safe Haven house in the book and when you post here.
If you not yet got Friend access to the Center, then find Mish o Sha or me ingame. If you have a house in the Town and Safe Haven in house name, you will get friend access for your chars.
I do not know alot about town councils. Are there different roles for some of the council members.
I do run for Mayor or council member.
I would like to have a Council member from each Guild present in the Town. The council members will be Admins on this forum and get access to Moderator wall.
We have a meeting room at second floor of Crafting Center, I will add the books there and books with logs from meetings.
Lets get this town up running
We need a meeting about Safe Haven and how to keep it alive and we need a Town Council, a Mayor and I think 3-5 Council members.
I would like you to post here if you would like to run for Council member or Mayor or drop a book with your comments and ideas in our mail box at the Safe Haven Crafting Center and Hub. Also what times a meeting would work for you.
I will make a pile of the books so all Safe Haven Citizens can read them unless you put a note in book, that you don't want your book public. Please write name of the owner of your Safe Haven house in the book and when you post here.
If you not yet got Friend access to the Center, then find Mish o Sha or me ingame. If you have a house in the Town and Safe Haven in house name, you will get friend access for your chars.
I do not know alot about town councils. Are there different roles for some of the council members.
I do run for Mayor or council member.
I would like to have a Council member from each Guild present in the Town. The council members will be Admins on this forum and get access to Moderator wall.
We have a meeting room at second floor of Crafting Center, I will add the books there and books with logs from meetings.
Lets get this town up running
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