LOL, it's funny how as things change, they remain the same. This discussion came up recently on the Siege forum again, and I was reminded of this post I put out on Powergamers years ago (2003 to be exact). Anyway, I figured I would repost it to see if anyone might have interest...sure some of the text may be dated, but since then, some guilds have come and some have gone...the shard would still love to have there...I put it out
I have been lurking around all the Stratics shard forums, and many of the other fan sites, and I have been thinking of ways to get more folks over to Siege. I think I have come up with an idea that could do it. This invitation is for all, but primarily guilds and individuals who enjoy PvP.
As we all know PvP has been downgraded drastically in the last publishes and I have noticed increased calls for OSI to create a PvP shard. As we have all been told, this is not going to happen, (at least this is what the OSI representatives have told us), so why do not “we” create a PvP shard of our own, (not a player run shard). Here is the deal, gather your guildmates up and make the move over to Siege. The reason I have spread this post over multiple forums is so everyone has an equal amount of time to get players trained up. Right now, the shard does not have many PvPers on it so the competition would primarily be in the same boat as you are, (just starting off).
Why Siege? Well this one is simple. Our shard is the one that does not have insurance. It is this fact that makes our PvP the closest thing to the way it used to be, skill based, not item based. Without insurance, increasingly people are not carrying around uber weapons or wearing uber armor. People only carry that which they are willing to lose in battle, (or gank if that is the case).
If you are wondering about the other rules concerning the differences between Siege and the production shards, click on my sig., that will take you to a very informative, (although some of the info is dated) web page.
Within the last month and old guild has been recreated, it’s abbreviation is NEW. This guild is for new characters (go figure). Most guilds on the shard have a peace agreement with NEW. This means that while you are in the guild (1-month max.), you will be able to train in relative peace. This guild may not be good for large groups that come over together, but it is great for smaller groups or individuals.
You may also be wondering how you can manage as a guild with only PVP characters…well, there are plenty of crafters on the shard that have very low prices for their goods, so you can actually get away without having a guild mule. On the other hand, I am sure if you get enough people to come over with you, some of these peeps will either want to create a character with some crafting skills, or have multiple accounts and can create both a PvP and Mule character.
As of right now, there are a few groups that organize PvP tournaments, but right now, these tourneys are player versus player competitions. Once more and more larger guilds come to the shard, guild wars can once again become rampant as they once were, and you and your guild can fight for territory or just travel through Sosaria looking for fights.
For those of you that wonder about housing…there is plenty of it and as soon as phase 3 is published (ok so maybe it will not ever be published but it was a thought). I know of a guild that created a guild town within the last month, and most of the plots that were placed were 18x18’s. If you have heard about Siege pricing, well that is all pre-AoS…all new plots are production shard priced…the only thing is, if you want a classic house, you will have to pay the 3x price that we were paying prior to our latest expansion.
If you are into any type of Role-play, Siege has our own RP community as well. If you compare the size of our population to that of the production shards, I would say the percentage of role player to non role-players is probable larger than those other shards, again, I think that having only one character slot has helped this. Do not get me wrong though, although there are many role players here, do not think they will not kill you if they get the chance, those orcs sure do hate hummies.
One warning though, if you do choose to take this invitation, be aware that many of the people on this shard are vets and usually target those that have dewd names or names with alternating caps. So make character names that won’t bring any wrath down on you…and don’t forget, if you do come, WELCOME, if you see me in game, stop by and say hi, most players here don’t bite, (too hard)…la