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Flax ??


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Grow the peculiar seeds from Tsuki wolves, Titans, or Dryads, and rare colored seeds (of black or white) from the Naturalist Quest for a chance of flax plants.

Flora Green

Is it still growing?? I haven't gotten any and none of the plant vendors on my shard have it either.


Yup, definitely is, I had some pop just a day or two ago =)

*edits* Just checked, they hit day 9 today, so I got them from tsuki's 9 or 10 days ago =)


I had all 3 colors pop 2 days ago. White plant sales are moving nicely. Black are a little too late I'm afraid. Had too much other contenet going on to grow plants when pub56 hit the shards. Halloween has come and gone and black isn't very popular now.