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Faction Glitch



Have a crafter make you a bunch of faction traps place em and get your rank up within days ;) Never kill anyone or anything hand to hand.

Anyone else have glitches to post ide love to hear em.

Tina Small

Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Have a crafter make you a bunch of faction traps place em and get your rank up within days ;) Never kill anyone or anything hand to hand.

Anyone else have glitches to post ide love to hear em.
Ummm...what's the difference between a "glitch" and an "exploit"?


just add that to the list of this EA DEV team has screwed up.

yeah this is a troll before the lock.


does this mean we are all using exploits. Seeing the ranking system is bugged?? well i hope they don't ban us all. hhhmmm well honestly thats what they normally do. Instead of fixing the problem they just ban everyone that has figured out how to do it. lol.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

They never ban the people that deserve it.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Have a crafter make you a bunch of faction traps place em and get your rank up within days ;) Never kill anyone or anything hand to hand.

Anyone else have glitches to post ide love to hear em.

Since when is this a glitch?
I thought this was supposed to work this way.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
No glitch a feature,

Just like thiefes getting points for stealing sigs.

Exploit is the sesawing of kills in War zones to get 800K points