It wont happen because people have more money then time. If a player makes a good living and love the game but has no time.... Well buy stuff for real money and enjoy the game.
Different for everyone. Thats why I laugh when people say ban the sale of items.
OKAY as OF TODAY selling any item for REAL LIFE CASH is illegal.
See. Nothing changed.
Search on line and you will find places to buy items and gold from every MMO.
Do you really think EA is going to spend resources to run sting operations for players selling gold. Never.
Its like this. Scripting is illegal. So....
What has that stopped.
BUT YOUR RIGHT everyone would have to stop buying stuff. And that just wont happen. Its worth $50 bucks to a lot of players to buy what they need monthly.
Maybe they have 1 account and spend $50 bucks. While other have 4 accounts but never buy stuff. Its all up to the player and their RL budget.
Well if people are going to buy this gunk regardless, why wouldn't they want it cheaper?
Like maybe you make and sell gold and can make profit at .85 per mil.
Some other guy can make and sell gold and can make profit at .45 per mil.
If the public is going to buy the stuff regardless, why wouldn't they want to buy the same exact thing for 40 cents less?
What mucks everything up is when these forums are used as a bully pulpit to maintain income generated from playing UO. Sure you need to make your money, but I don't have to care about it. I am in favor of UO making these items more available, and if they can't do that, then I am in favor of someone else doing that. And if someone else can do that cheaper, then I am in favor of them doing that.
US govt has American flags made in China. US Govt loves America and is patriotic and freedom loving, but for them, buying the cheapest iconic symbol is best. Communist China is a billion times less communist than Russia ever was.
So in my opinion, the same holds true for UO. CHeapest is best when we are talking about identical items.
So I am seeing five parties here:
1) Real life losers in virtual economy (no performance enhancers)
2) Real life winners in virtual economy (performance enhancers)
3) Elitist players who feel class system in UO should be maintained. Achieved status through grind or by purchase (status quo)
4) Players who need certain items but don't have a second life to donate to UO. WIlling to achieve status through grind or by purchase (strive to achieve status)
5) Players that just log on and do a bod here, fight an orc there, tag along on Lady Mel run sometimes (no stake)
What I want is UO to look at the parties involved and figure out what is going on and solve the problem. In my opinion the problem is that the items are out of reach for "normal" people (no stake and people who want to be good players but lack time). As you said there is no skill involved, it is time that is the issue. I don't feel a game should be based solely on time and/or rl economic investment. It would be nice to have skill involved. Skill would be involved if I had the time and/or rl economic investment to get all the best items, but if I don't have those things then all the skill in the world will still equal "ooOoO."
Bod runs? 0 skill. Presumably 120 skill in tailoring would mean a person could craft awesome gear, but not in UO. 120 means 0 in UO. Grinding 1000s of hours of human life away to bod runs means that you can make awesome gear. I know, you already grinded 500 hours of human life away to get the skill to 120, but sorry, 120 equals 0 in UO. 0 skill game, only time and/or RL economic investment. That has to change.
Even if the hardcore grinders got things easier then the market would have more goods even if it was still hard for me to grind through them, so it would still benefit me because items would (theoretically, UO needs anti-trust laws) be cheaper.
Dupers scripters and slaveworkers have the same effect for me because they bring more goods to the market making the overall cost of goods go down.
So UO can increase the flow of goods by making them more attainable or dupers scripters and slaveworkers can increase the flow of goods by making them more attainable. Becuase I have no RL stake, both benefit me in UO. Current prices do not benefit me in UO. It benefits the people that manipulate the prices.
What is interesting is that UO Gods can do this. They can make the market flooded with all the best stuff for like 3 or 4 months and see what happens. It would resemble the old days, because everyone would have ACCESS to the same things much like everyone used to run around with platemail and a halberd. If it was a failed experiment and people hated it, then they could just make new items that trump the old ones and make them super rare and bring it back to this type misery.
Also the workforce (crafters) is flooded, but the resources are bottlenecked.