I live on east coast and my lag problem to the game started on the 11th after the servers were brought back up from publish. I had been on that morning and before server went down, I had no problem lagging and freezing at that time, and the invasions were happening in Brit, Skara and Minoc that morning on Atlantic shard. I still have lag.
I've been lagging for well OVER a month. I run traceuo daily to ping my connection so I'm one to notice when my ping isnt in the teens & twenties. I think a lot of players are saying that thier lag just really started when it's been going on for longer as a ping issue, but over the last week went further to increased packetloss.
I'm not sure what would cause a high ping, and what would cause packetloss. But the high ping has been going on for a while for me and as my traceroute shows, it's specifically an EA issue as ALL my other hops are in the 20's easy on average.
The packetloss though recently started sometimes this week. It's been getting nothing but worse and worse. Now I know they said they took down the shards because of an issue with the sherry the mouse thing crashing Origin shard I believe, so I'm wondering if thier change is to blame for things getting worse. BUT then again, after they took the shards down when they came up my ping dropped down to the twenties for a good day or two.
The only thing I know for sure is that I'm paying for a "broken" game. If anyone wants to argue that they're obviously not near as bright as they think they are. That would be like competing in race with two of your cylinders not firing :x. I mean yeah it's still working, but it's obviously not working as it should.