I logged on UO about a half hour ago to play a little, and I cant move AT ALL. I freeze up every step for seconds. I was wondering, is this just me? Or are other people laggy like this today??
Joanne posted this in response to other lag thread....
Hey everyone, we didn't give up on clearing up the latency issues but some of them are out of our control.
There are some internet outages throughout the country this morning and
this is probably what is causing the lag that only some of you are facing. Your connections are being re-routed through different hubs and that is increasing the latency to connect to your shard.
These things usually clear up quick enough. *Crosses her fingers*
Joanne posted this in response to other lag thread....
Hey everyone, we didn't give up on clearing up the latency issues but some of them are out of our control.
There are some internet outages throughout the country this morning and this is probably what is causing the lag that only some of you are facing. Your connections are being re-routed through different hubs and that is increasing the latency to connect to your shard.
These things usually clear up quick enough. *Crosses her fingers*
Been fishing up a couple hundred SOSes this morning without any appearance of lag.everyone is lagging now.