I couldnt agree more. The content that has been added on to over the years UO has been nothing more than a bane upon this once great MMORPG. Its is nothing more than a horrific, hollow husk of its former self. They have butchered this game, nay, this World of Sosaria, warping it, corroding it, trying to mimic other games that only have the success they have now because there is nothing better out there to play.I made a come back to UO recently, urged by an old friend. I was excited, hoping to find the same level of fun and excitement the game once held. However, I was sadly disappointed.
Long ago when the game was released, there was only one world. And within this world, you were free to do whatever you wish. There wasno such thing as "leet" items, in fact, most everything people used was GM made. There was no item insurance, so death had a real meaning. You die, you lose what you have. Having a thief could be lucrative, being a PK extremely profitable. In time, some people who couldn't compete began to become spiteful. OSI was bombarded by people whining about other people killing them or stealing their items. This led to the release of Ultima Online: Renaissance, and marked the beginning of the end for UO.
The thing that made UO so great was that it was different from any other MMORPG. No other game offered you the freedom UO did, or the level of excitement. With the introduction of Trammel, UO took its first big step towards becoming another Everquest (Which was released after T2A and was immensely popular. So, OSI tried to copy some of their ideas to pull more players). Felucca was left mostly for the PvP'ers, but was still PACKED. I could go to Yew gate and find 2 dozen or more people there at any given time, easily. Now, you're lucky to find one.
Then UO realeased Third Dawn, and Lord Blackthornes Revenge, each time taking UO further and further away from its roots. We (The old school players, mainly in the PvP community) responded, and warned OSI that they were killing them game. They didnt listen. Then came the introduction of power scrolls, which completely threw off the balance of PvP. Then as soon as AoS launched, I called it quits and shipped off to bootcamp.
I come back 5 years later, and all of the predictions came true. UO is a wasteland, a dying game barely struggling to hold on. In order to maintain, OSI has upped the montly fee, and offered a ton of new perks for you to pay for with real cash. They have made UO just another run of the mill MMORPG by trying to be like the others. Its pathetic, really.
Devs, do you realize how many people are playing free shards that mimic T2A and UO:R? Literally over 7,000. I personally know of at least 400 that would come back to an OSI server if they put one up that was UO:R ruleset, prior to the introduction of champ spawns. Thats a big chunk of change back in EA's pocket.
Heres a few screenshots, just so you get an idea of what it used to be like. There would be faction sigil raids with over 300+ people participating. They would go all night, and the fighting was exhilirating. Think about it OSI, how hard would it be to take an old UO:R disc, and put up a shard with it? I can assure you, it would bring back a LOT of business. I'm willing to bet on it.
I have played pretty much all of the other games out there. AoC, WoW, DAoC, LoTRO, DnDO, Guild Wars, you name it, Ive played it since I left UO about 5 years ago. Not one of those games came even close to the sheer uniqueness of old school UO. Each of those games are nothing but tweaked clones of EQ, following the same stale game model over and over. UO in T2A was original. The PvP, the crafting, the skills system, all of that made UO amazing. A game can have stunning, videocard wrecking graphics but still not be worth a pile of horse manure if it has lousy game play. Sure, UO's graphics are 2d and over a decade old, but if it had the T2A rule set, crafting, skills, armor, etc, it could compete with all of the 3d games out there hands down because of superior gameplay and content.
I have spoken with countless players on all of the games I have played who were former denizens of Britannia. After hours in the OOC chats, they all said they would gladly come back to UO if there were T2A style servers. And no these weren't just PvP oriented players, these were RPers, Crafters, Ani-PKs and so many of the others who had the privlege of living the greatest era of UO and would love nothing more than to come back to it. They have even said they would come back despite the 2d graphics. Do you know why? Becuase UO was just that good. Its game play trumped the boring repetitveness of the EQ clone level grind to a pointless end game.