yeah that's right. that's exactly why it needs to be fixed. if the only answer is 'join a different faction', then it's a balance issue between factions that needs to be fixed.Choose a faction with a better base.
yeah that's right. that's exactly why it needs to be fixed. if the only answer is 'join a different faction', then it's a balance issue between factions that needs to be fixed.Choose a faction with a better base.
Or when you saw them sailing up, just drop an efield on the deck of the boat and they cant move... Genius!!!!If anyone played a mage...wall of stone in front of the direction the boat is sailing, then once stopped energy fields. THEN coat that boat in poison fields and volley arrows on them!
You're welcome for taking your guildmate hostage ^^I remember a couple years ago on LS several of us were camping an IDOC... This IDOC was in FEL and turned into a huge guild v guild fight. After the house fell one of the guys in the other guild dropped a boat next to where we were fighting and started lumping loot over to it and thought they could sail out alot of the loot. Well long story short... One of our guys managed to get on their boat but died.. They took him "hostage" and took off with his ghost! This turned into a boat v boat fight that ran well over an hour and across half the map into T2A via the serps pillars... Was one of the best IDOCs we had for a long time! No one got any good loot but the convo in ts and via icq was off the charts!
i dont particularly agree with that, i think all factions should have different attractions, the base forming a major part of that.yeah that's right. that's exactly why it needs to be fixed. if the only answer is 'join a different faction', then it's a balance issue between factions that needs to be fixed.
Factions pre-pub 16? Has it been that long? JeezA long time ago when I did factions on LS people were in boats behind the base earthquaking (this is like prepub 16 im talking about) and the EQ would hit everyone. At that time the GMS made some rule about boats there. So all these people crying may just get you in trouble (not that I agree with them). I know I go tbanned way back for sitting ona boat earthquaking. I thought it was just smart tactics.
LOLjust an fyi, we didn't realize that they escaped on a boat until after it happened