Not replying to anyone particularly, just thought it would be good to share this information. Everyone has their own interpretations, so make of it what you will.
ICQ @ Secunia - Found:
47 Secunia Security Advisories
AIM @ Secunia - Found:
6 Secunia Security Advisories
MSN @ Secunia - Found:
9 Secunia Security Advisories
YIM @ Secunia - Found:
18 Secunia Security Advisories
Trillian @ Secunia - Found:
13 Secunia Security Advisories
ICQ has one more (47) than all the others combined (46). And these issues don't even address other security problems with ICQ's OSCAR & encryption protocols.
Ever since AOL's purchase of Mirabilis (the publisher of ICQ), ICQ's development has continued to go down the toilet. This is a major reason why so many ICQ users continue to use old versions of ICQ, thus putting themselves and their fellow ICQ contacts at even further risk. There are web sites out there that cater to these users by archiving older versions of ICQ, little do these users know that some of these archives are little more than sources for hacked versions with backdoors.
No instant messenger is 100% safe. But users should always use the latest version of the IM they use. But also use only what you need to. AIM and ICQ are compatible with one another. As is MSN/WLM with YIM. Trillian is a multi-IM client that supports AOL/ICQ, IRC, Jabber, MSN/WLM, YIM, and more.
We all know about hardware & software firewalls to protect our computers (these are network firewalls), but there are other different types of firewalls too. Also consider an IM firewall to protect yourself through your IM client... like
ZoneAlarm's IMSecure (only works with Windows 2000 & Windows XP though). The basic version is free and works with AOL/ICQ, IRC, Jabber, MSN/WLM, Trillian, YIM, and others.
Hope that helps.