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Idea for town cryer


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Maybe have him tell ya the time in uo. At least they would be useful for that info eh. Oh by the way anyone notice the fof was one question short??


One question short? looked like 3 to me. Things like "whats next" should be notes, not questions. As are Town Hall Meetings, This was a weak FOF.


As for time, just buy a clock from a NPC Tinker. 20 gold I think. I'm sure it weighs little. I do agree though that the Town Cryers need a purpose, and time would be better then "I have no news at this time".


unless your on cats.... the town crier's are few and far between.

Lord Drakelord

IN Pub 53 they tie in the UGLY Sherry the mouse statue to it and then you get to see it tell you it has no news.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
IN Pub 53 they tie in the UGLY Sherry the mouse statue to it and then you get to see it tell you it has no news.
LOL. I am going to go turn in more stuff, so I can get a statue, to tell me There is No News at This Time, too!!

Too funny...:bored: