Well, I'm not going to bother now. The time it takes to get upwards of 300 is ridiculous for 0 reward.
This is the reason though man, that PvP, and the game in general is dieing so quick. This sort of attitude has people only caring to do anything if they can get some sort of pretty pixel, etc. out of it.
This isn't exactly directed at you because I'm pretty sure I read somewhere that you had the same basic plan for them as we did (Drawing people into Fel), and I don't see that happening.
In all honesty though, people don't PvP anymore, unless it's for some sort of super item. Nobody fights for a fight, I've offered countless even # fights at Wrong, etc. to people on our shard. I've attempted to put together a shard wide war for EVERYONE to participate in (We broke out entire guild apart and drew names of everyone that wanted to participate and made four teams. It was fun, but there was incessant pancakes and entire guilds who didn't participate. Instead those certain guilds instead of participating, they took this as a great time to try and sneak off spawns (YAY! ITEMS!)...they died.
I mean take this post as an example (This isn't really PvP based, but it's as relevant as any), pulled out of the "What did you do to Europa!?" thread:
o yea great thanks for wasting my time!
at least some kind of gift as compensation for loss would be nice i mean all that event **** i lost, not to mention the time i spend and the red eyes i got from playin a night straight
THINGS HAPPEN PEOPLE! COME ON! Maybe I'm just used to the old ways of before Tram days, but man, things happen. Servers break, things don't always go your way. Suck it up, go out and try again. Instead people pancake, whine and ask for "prety pixels" to make up for things nobody can control. It doesn't even seem as though these people play for fun anymore, it's like pixel crack. Wtf!?
I just wish UO would get smart and make a few old school UO shards (Pre UOR, UO:R, Pub 16), it really is the only way to save the game in a way now. Keep the current shards and the current progress on SA, but give the people who actually want to just fight a shard where people feel the same (and no Siege is just a step behind other shards, it's not "old school"). This kind of logic people have now of ,"OH LOOK PRETTY COLORS! MUST HAVE! FEL!? I REFUSE TO DO THAT! I WILL pancake UNTIL IT IS IN TRAM TOO!", is ridiculous!!
I'm glad the "rewards" missed the boat, it has the point of people doing stuff just to do them again, but it seems people just don't play that way anymore. It's sad.
Sakk, do you know anything regarding them bringing EM's back and if they are accepting current players to do so? Or if they actually plan to do Fel based events (These have been severely lacking.). Atlantic isn't the same by the way.
Oh, and the faction aids, are by far overpowered for dexxers and a minimal help for mages (most mages do not have 80 dex =<).