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90 day idoc timer broken maybe?

Rocket Dog

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Since the last Pub Ive only found 2 idocs accross 2 diff shards and both were people who upgraded housing.

Have people noticed this? Has anyone seen a keep or castle fall since the timer was put in?

The way it looks to me is houses that are past 90 days are not decaying but I'd be interested to hear from others and maybe it can be looked into officially?


Slightly Crazed
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Campaign Supporter
I've noticed quite a reduction in the idocs too.


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
There hasnt been a 90 day timer since 2006, they changed it to 30 day timers months ago. Chances are the reason your not seeing IDOC's is either because people are not leaving anymore (Or everyone who's leaving left). Strange it may sound, but last time IDOC's slowed was a few months before 9th age was released when people were joining up... and I am seeing alot more 'youngs' that I have for a while.


The 30 day timer was supposed to be implemented, but never was... It is still a 90-day cycle.

Lord Kynd

There hasnt been a 90 day timer since 2006, they changed it to 30 day timers months ago. Chances are the reason your not seeing IDOC's is either because people are not leaving anymore (Or everyone who's leaving left). Strange it may sound, but last time IDOC's slowed was a few months before 9th age was released when people were joining up... and I am seeing alot more 'youngs' that I have for a while.
i have noticed alot more 'youngs' also latly :)


Since the last Pub Ive only found 2 idocs accross 2 diff shards and both were people who upgraded housing.

Have people noticed this? Has anyone seen a keep or castle fall since the timer was put in?

The way it looks to me is houses that are past 90 days are not decaying but I'd be interested to hear from others and maybe it can be looked into officially?
then you havent looked that hard on Lake Austin....


Moby Grape

You are diffinately right on the shortage of decays, went from 25-35 a week on Pac, to near zip. Whats with that Devs?

Toss us a little scrap of food for thought.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I've noticed quite a reduction in the idocs too.
I've noticed this myself. The only ones I am finding now are folks that are relocating their house to new locations and the old houses are in their condemned status.


Always Present
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Stratics Legend
Hopefully UO as become more stable... and the players that want to leave have left!! and the players that are staying are staying put!! then there a few new players coming in too!! God Bless UO

Kratos Aurion

glad its not just me. I thought that the game had reached such a low player population that the only remaining houses were the active players:wall:

anyways. I miss meh idocing. I found 1 in 2 hours :/


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The 30 day timer was supposed to be implemented, but never was... It is still a 90-day cycle.
Hmm Are you sure on that? I've seen mates houses decay after 30 days, tried to contact them but they werent online. I'm pretty sure its 30 days only, if the old stratics boards were up I could show a Dev talking about it.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
i placed a house in magincia during that invasion with a trial account and just let the place stand until it fell down, it took 90 days to go idoc


Always Present
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Its def still 90 days for decay...nailed on!!!

Rocket Dog

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
yup, 90 days no question.

So anyone have an acct with a house on it that they let decay 90 days ago?

It will take till about June 17th for me to test it out lol

Lady Michelle

Sprite Full SP
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Maybe the devs stopped the 90 day timer for now why'll they work on a fix, because of all inactive accounts that none of the houses are decaying or just go osi that keep refreshing.


I run four accounts, and three of them inactive up to 90 days at a time...and no idoc'ng before 90 days, friend.. Trust me, I'm pretty alert to that.