I've done over 300 Travisties and at least 20 dreadhorns, along with another 200 Lady M's........ and you know how many Crimmy's I've gotten from all that...... 1...... thats right ONE..... throw in the 2 or three dozen times I've done the others like Paroxy and that's the sum total reward for my efforts..... I've been there when 3 other people have gotten one.... But myself personally I've gotten just one... and that was on my tamer..... Who I used to take to them all the time in a 1615 luck suit..... So luck was NEVER on my side. She's also never gotten an artie in Doom either.... Heck my archer gets more good stuff than she does..
But that's beside the point....... If this guy thinks they are easy I want to know what he's doing that I'm not..... cause I don't get them.
Today I received my 10th Crimson. One of which I've lost as mentioned. So being that I'm in a good mood I'll share my thoughts and insights into the drop rate of one of what I consider one of the most coveted items in the game.
I'm sure many will think I'm full of BS or that I'm just one lucky SOB. First I will say is that I've put in the hours. And I mean hours upon hours after having certain peerless wired down to a science to maximze time saving.
I've also done virtuallty nothing but hunt peerless in my lust for the Crimson Cinture for the last 6 months. Almost every day 6-8 hours a day. Yes I've had alot of free time on my hands...
I remember before the the forums went down there was a thread about the Crimson Drop rate in which Lord Blaze claimed to do 5-8 peerless a night. I thought he was full of #$%^ and it was not possible to do that many runs, especially after my first peerless experience.
My first 3 or 4 peerless runs I ended up walking out a ghost demoralized and humbled with only a deathrobe as a reward for my efforts.
The first successful peerless I took down took almost the entire 2 hours and I was literally a minute or two away from the beast disappearing from reaching the 2 hour benchmark.
Now I've been reading posts about other people doing hundreds of Peerless and claiming not to have gotten a Crimson.
After doing somewhere over 500+ Peerless runs I believe the drop rate chance is somewhere in the range of 2% or below. Luck
in my opinion plays no role whatsoever in the chance of a Crimson Dropping. Luck
will provide a signifigant boost to item properties and mods on weapons that are dropped. I've pulled some very nice bows and ornate axes with the luck boost. Wearing luck will not always guarantee you the boost to properties but it will be noticebale if it kicks in.
Every 50-60 Peerless runs I would get 'lucky' and a CC would drop. With the exception of one time where I did a chain of 10 and received 2 Crimson drops.
Not too long ago I was invited by two very cool players who had acquired keys to Peerless right before the beast was about to drop they broke party (Now this was fine by me as they had done all the leg work in gathering the keys). But when looting time came around I received all the ingredients which I ended up giving back to them. Anyways my point is that this party breaking is a big No No...the drop system is not fair or balanced. They were using greater Dragons and I was using my Ornate Axe. The dragons by far did more of the damage.
If your hunting with a group of close friends you trust I don't see the need for it. Those of you who have done hundreds of peerless runs and haven't gotten a Crimson Drop and go with the 'break party' stop doing it. Go with people you trust and alternate if the Crimson drop.
All peerless have the same chance for dropping a Crimson Cinture. I've received all 10 of my Crimson's from the turncoat Unicorn. Now 95% of the time the loot is worthless with the exception of the ingredients and there have been many times I've asked myself why do I keep doing 'this'. But I knew why....
It is by no means easy and you have to do lots and lots of peerless and you have to be consistent in doing peerless runs. But they will drop...albiet a 2% chance