Fox (Europa)
These items are a good idea if they attract people to factions. They have a huge downside though - they are useable in non-faction fights.
This is going to create two classes of PvPers: There will be the best of the PvPers in factions getting a huge buff from these new items and then there will be the rest of the PvPers who aren't in a faction.
In a fight a factioner with the items will have an advantage with no downside against a non-factioner because there is no skill-loss risk when one side isn't in a faction.
The fix for this is for skill-loss to apply to all PvP deaths if you are in factions, regardless of whether you were killed by someone in another faction or not. This would nicely balance the risk v reward of the new items.
This is going to create two classes of PvPers: There will be the best of the PvPers in factions getting a huge buff from these new items and then there will be the rest of the PvPers who aren't in a faction.
In a fight a factioner with the items will have an advantage with no downside against a non-factioner because there is no skill-loss risk when one side isn't in a faction.
The fix for this is for skill-loss to apply to all PvP deaths if you are in factions, regardless of whether you were killed by someone in another faction or not. This would nicely balance the risk v reward of the new items.