Sure, I'm with you in terms of showing patience. I try and do so, despite personal failures on occassion. The reason I didn't "chime in" during other earlier threads where folks were complaining, was it did seem a reasonable delay to let year 11 slip one publish to p56, as the game's public release wasn't until Sep 07. Thus p55, which included the vet reward update, was a tad prior to the games actual 11th year. My assumption, which now seems a bad one, was that the 11th year rewards were coded and would become accessible with p56. Silly me. The trouble now, is that "updates" tend to come in batches, so we're not likely to see the year 11 rewards for some time to come if they were not coded already. Dev took the time to make the "fall collection" items for Nov release in Japan/ Dec release elsewhere. While I'm a bit irked that for those of us around since the beginning, that once again, we've been left out of planning - but that is not the point I'd like to convey. With very, very few exceptions, there has always been an envisionable method to dev's decisions, actions, and omissions. My trouble here, and the point I'd like to convey, is that I can't see any method/ justification on this one!!!