Japanese 11th anniversary items exclusive to Japan for 30 days then will go up to buy online.
Talking about fixes in Pub 56... blank scrolls and bottles added to commodity deeds, more in the future as new engineer is learning the system
Tamers will no longer be able to attack while stealthed (they will be revealed)
Pristine Dreadhorn stackable
No changes to greater dragons in 56
Halloween content in Pub 56:
Trick or Treating with new treats
New Halloween content, something in dungeons
Only blaze plant will be the cactus
Stygian Abyss:
Embueing: Requires a "soul forge" a gargoyle item all races can use. Resources required, some mundane (i.e. gems), some rare (Abyssal Claw?)
Embueing will augment the power of certain Mysticism spells
Embueing title "Artificer" (ooooo! sweet!)
Mysticism: uses reagents Magery + bone, Dragons Blood, Fertile Drit and I missed the last of the four new ones
Purge Magic: Debuffs a current buff from a monster/another player
Enchant: Temp embues a weapon with a hit spell effect
Animated Weapon: A new Blade Spirits
Stone Form: Slows the caster, but buffs defense
Spell Trigger: Stores a spell in an item to be used later (Mysticism)
Mysticism title: Mystic (not Llama Herder)
Throwing: Thrown weapons automaticcaly return to wielder
Boomerang, Cyclone, SoClaive
Title: Bladeweaver
Special Moves will be out of the current special moves.
A person working for Leuro doing a HUGE balance pass
Embueing balance (keeping items from becoming "uber" ) Skill based (all new skills go to 120)
Intensity level: 100, 5 items max on an item
Embued items can no longer be fortified (fortify then embue)
You will lose resources if you fail to embue, you will NOT lose the item
Self Repair cannot be imbued
Stygian Abyss:
A question about the new lands, but skills are the current released info, lands to be released later
Termeir(sp) the name of the garg homeland
Embueing 120 scroll will be gained through crafting, other new scrolls will be on bosses
Trammel bosses = epic encounters
Felucca bosses will be champ spawn based
Scripting prevention question:
3 resources needed to embue: Unravelled material (relic fragments), gems, special boss-based drop
Jewelry and embuing... you will be able to embue rings, no plan to add durability to jewelry
Adding Balance (mod) to two handed weapons: A huge balance pass is being done, will be brought up
Area Effect and slimes causing durability hits... probable bug, being noted
Timer display for Red characters: Sounds like a reasonable idea
Dispelling Mortal Wound as though it were a Curse: will be discussed with the team
4/6 Chiv vs 2/6 Magery: Combination of Close Wounds + GHeal was too overpowered
Chivalry "needs a good hard look"
Upgrade codes online: More info when it becomes relevant
There will be a Beta Test
A couple of sea/lava encounters, but no upgrades to seafaring itself
"Useless Specials": part of the balance pass.
Exploiters and cheaters on Great Lakes: Not yet in a position to talk in detail,actions in the works to battle it
Cannot act based on screenshots due to ability to fake, names, etc
KR vs SA client system performance should be a smaller download and footprint due to more efficient animations
Beta Test for SA client "still very fuzzy" going to ask for feedback "within a month or so"
Can only spell trigger Mysticism spells, may require Embueing to max out power of Spell Trigger
Rare fragments for embueing may be in new T-Maps
Plans to revamp Virtues: No plans at this time, always asked about, but never makes top of priority list
Sounds in SA: talk about new sounds and music, will be investigated
A big go-round about guard zones and PvP, no sympathy from Jeremy
What's next after Factions and Gardening:
Factions are tied into the next Live Event arc, Gardening kind of "accidental"
57 will be before the end of the year... more stacking stuff, clean up, bugfixes
Beginning of next year = SA, new client, beta, etc. Live stuff will be balance passes.
Fixing Sherry the Mouse not doing town crier stuff: will be mentioned, may be tied into 56
EMs might be coming back, Details: No details about EMs at this time... legal is working on it
Repeat question regarding hiding tamers and greater dragons
They do not QA for Siege due to resources issues, depend a lot on reports from players.
Additional character slots on Siege... nothing right now, feedback very fixed
Speedhacking is difficult to test in house
Treasures of Tokuno: Not on the schedule
SA artifacts like Tokuno: yes
Client crashes: one found when gating while someone else is moving items keep sending in bug reports
Has Faction participation increased? Not a massive increase yet
Equipping/trading faction items: Cannot be used unless you are of the correct rank in the correct faction
Resize delay on placement tools: written down to be removed
Champ Spawn cams: Currently being investigated, more champ spawn style monsters in SA
Someone talking about needing Soulbinding to keep from "dumping" items on extra characters to get back into a Faction fight
New Faction items are not blessed, but are insurable
Soulbinding would mess up Siege
Unknown on Town Halls for next year
Peerless bosses being soloable: Most Peerless take 1 - 5 players, Champ Spawns 5 - 10 players, Epic Encounters will take 10 - 15 players
Permanent Spring Cleaning: Concept was popular, may be done in the future
Community Collections need to be looked at before new features added
Dragon breath for Greaters needs to be nerfed according to Leuro
Garg flying works like Etherals (this was covered at the last Town Hall)
Stackable issues need to be looked at (bugged item IDs)
11th Anniversary items: no detail off the top of Jeremy's head.
Team given an "11th Anniversary Cake" in presentation box
Silver Steeds: Unknown... whole good and evil system not active on shards (is on Siege)... probably a dead system
A thief idea to give the gold value of an item to the thief if they try to steal it and it is insured
Useless skills have been discussed for SA uses
Beggars: Beggars will be useful for Trick or Treating also a bugfix for begging in 56
Dread Warhorse spawn again? Unknown
Voice Chat inside the game using distance: Never even considered plans for voice chat, unlikely at this time
Why create a new client: It is more maintainable for 11 more years, current client is very old.
Cross shard gate to Fel rules: dupes due to Xferring are "terrifying".
PvP "minigames" based on dev team schedules, they want ot get them in though
Gain rate for Taming: difficulty based thus dependent on the animal.
117.1 was the highest in Spellweaving without GGS, may be affecting Tamers or other skills.
Customizing castles: Adding new fixed home designs requires a LOT of work for the design team.
Court yards will be looked into. Recall was taken out due to facet flipping with moonstones
Chariots for 11th year rewards: Noted after some off-mic crosstalk
No loss of 2d until new client reaches 95%+ usage, new features are a new client draw, but may be put in based on useage, not on schedule as client builders are working on the new client
Perspective in KR/SA vs 2D is an illusion.
Artist coming back from the T2A days (interesting!)
Dev Team looking better than it was a few months ago... grinding away on the SA client.
Team picture taken 2 weeks ago, could be posted soon
Cus and Karma loss due to mythology: not something that was considered for UO
Planning for Publishes: Jeremy goes over the Publish process, took a bathroom break as there's a lot of process information, but not really "hard news", so check the audio recording for details!
Making champ spawns free-for-all no murder count PvP: "write that down, interesting suggestion"
No Halloween shard this year due to lack of time
Retribution shard is the Focus group shard (not very active) (Draconi's Toys)
Special shards are generally done on Devs' free time
Ghosts need to be able to walk through boxes: noted as bug.
Shardwide events posted on Five on Friday
SA chat client chat improvement question... to be covered later
Player run town system is dormant... ideas are around, but nothing considered yet due to dev resource issues
Repeat ToT question
Some plans for pigments, but nothing at hand to report
What new resources in Stygian: stone and granite for armor and weapons Embueing will have 3 types of fragments from Unravelling: Residue, Essence, relic fragments; Rare ML ingredients will be used, normal gems will be used
Bone, Fertile Dirt, Dragon's Blood, Daemon Bone are the four new reagents
Exclusive offers are TEMPORARILY exclusive
Question on inventorying certain Doom artifacts for dupes (I would think this would be difficult due to X-Shard trading)
Jeremy talks about deleting Vine Cords vs artifacts, lets a little something slip verbally
Bushido changes; probably
Gardening: not as a skill
No new ridables in the immediate future
No cart/chariot/wagon in the forseeable future (at least not before the expansion)
You cannot stack spell effects (i.e. if a weapon has Hit Lightning, you cannot add Hit Magic Arrow) with the spell above
Crap I lost some notes due to the wrong click
Chivarly needs to not be a 60 point skill anymore
They want to move away from skill jewelry being able to "break" the skill cap
Talk about rescaling skill points... before they can add in skill cap increases.
DCI for archers: not remembering an exception for archers
Accuracy in Archery is something to be looked into
DCI may not affect Dismount
Special Moves may not be working properly in terms of defending against them
Client crash when looting items: There is a crash that is being looked into, probably two inter-related issues
"Those evil hamsters" (probably about the login server)
Legal way to sell UO gold: Currently selling UO gold is not a violation. Jacobs may not like RMT sales, but it is LEGAL in UO.
11th year vet rewards are on the table, no news yet
Anti-Virtue system for reds: something kicked around, no firm plans
Multiple faction arties on one character: believe so
Exorcism: No plans to make "wider" in effect
Seed stacking: more need of a BOD book style of system than stacking
More character slots or skill points: Slots not determined, NO skill point increases
Weight for new reagents: will be looked into
EA does not get involved in vouching for RMT sales sites Buy at your own risk
Need specific reports for freezing issues
New client cannot get rid of ALL outside programs (not a winnable fight, other methods will be used)
LRC works with Mysticism reagents
Talk about the Soul Forge: One version for house, a potent version in towns, and a special version with max bonus in Garg town
Mysticism will have some complementary skills
Town Hall in Canada: Send in suggestions as Feedback
Will need to earn the garg's trust to use the high end forge
RvR in UO: "no not really" (really answered above with X-Sharding dupe worries)
Gem carts give out different gems, apparently will not sell to a jeweler (hmmm didn't pick gem cart)
Logs from stumps do not stack with chopped logs: probably a bug
Leuro asks Rico: What the heck does "la" mean?
Race to Garg: yes, not figured out how it will work yet
Garg bonus: Bonuses to the new skills, others up on website
KR patch: is Pub 56 with substantial animations additions and changes with new artwork
OSI houses, send them in, Customer support will take them down as they get time
Pet AI improvement (pathing): a good suggestion to be worked on
Ancient Samurai Helms do not auto-dress when you quick loot corpse... known as it's a blessed item, may be worked on.
GMs do not do ideas or bugfixes, Devs do bugfixing, use bug reports and feedback as GMs cannot help
Pet flagging bug allowing people to give counts: looking into it
Flagging issues with casting a Revenant after the initial 2minute flag time... send in info so they can get it to QA
Marketing for UO: good for visibility, not as good for revenue. Retail margin on console and used games better than for computer games
And now to WRR for prize giveaways... so unless they come with some more info, there's the bullet point transcript!
Japanese 11th anniversary items exclusive to Japan for 30 days then will go up to buy online.
Talking about fixes in Pub 56... blank scrolls and bottles added to commodity deeds, more in the future as new engineer is learning the system
Tamers will no longer be able to attack while stealthed (they will be revealed)
Pristine Dreadhorn stackable
No changes to greater dragons in 56
Halloween content in Pub 56:
Trick or Treating with new treats
New Halloween content, something in dungeons
Only blaze plant will be the cactus
Stygian Abyss:
Embueing: Requires a "soul forge" a gargoyle item all races can use. Resources required, some mundane (i.e. gems), some rare (Abyssal Claw?)
Embueing will augment the power of certain Mysticism spells
Embueing title "Artificer" (ooooo! sweet!)
Mysticism: uses reagents Magery + bone, Dragons Blood, Fertile Drit and I missed the last of the four new ones
Purge Magic: Debuffs a current buff from a monster/another player
Enchant: Temp embues a weapon with a hit spell effect
Animated Weapon: A new Blade Spirits
Stone Form: Slows the caster, but buffs defense
Spell Trigger: Stores a spell in an item to be used later (Mysticism)
Mysticism title: Mystic (not Llama Herder)
Throwing: Thrown weapons automaticcaly return to wielder
Boomerang, Cyclone, SoClaive
Title: Bladeweaver
Special Moves will be out of the current special moves.
A person working for Leuro doing a HUGE balance pass
Embueing balance (keeping items from becoming "uber" ) Skill based (all new skills go to 120)
Intensity level: 100, 5 items max on an item
Embued items can no longer be fortified (fortify then embue)
You will lose resources if you fail to embue, you will NOT lose the item
Self Repair cannot be imbued
Stygian Abyss:
A question about the new lands, but skills are the current released info, lands to be released later
Termeir(sp) the name of the garg homeland
Embueing 120 scroll will be gained through crafting, other new scrolls will be on bosses
Trammel bosses = epic encounters
Felucca bosses will be champ spawn based
Scripting prevention question:
3 resources needed to embue: Unravelled material (relic fragments), gems, special boss-based drop
Jewelry and embuing... you will be able to embue rings, no plan to add durability to jewelry
Adding Balance (mod) to two handed weapons: A huge balance pass is being done, will be brought up
Area Effect and slimes causing durability hits... probable bug, being noted
Timer display for Red characters: Sounds like a reasonable idea
Dispelling Mortal Wound as though it were a Curse: will be discussed with the team
4/6 Chiv vs 2/6 Magery: Combination of Close Wounds + GHeal was too overpowered
Chivalry "needs a good hard look"
Upgrade codes online: More info when it becomes relevant
There will be a Beta Test
A couple of sea/lava encounters, but no upgrades to seafaring itself
"Useless Specials": part of the balance pass.
Exploiters and cheaters on Great Lakes: Not yet in a position to talk in detail,actions in the works to battle it
Cannot act based on screenshots due to ability to fake, names, etc
KR vs SA client system performance should be a smaller download and footprint due to more efficient animations
Beta Test for SA client "still very fuzzy" going to ask for feedback "within a month or so"
Can only spell trigger Mysticism spells, may require Embueing to max out power of Spell Trigger
Rare fragments for embueing may be in new T-Maps
Plans to revamp Virtues: No plans at this time, always asked about, but never makes top of priority list
Sounds in SA: talk about new sounds and music, will be investigated
A big go-round about guard zones and PvP, no sympathy from Jeremy
What's next after Factions and Gardening:
Factions are tied into the next Live Event arc, Gardening kind of "accidental"
57 will be before the end of the year... more stacking stuff, clean up, bugfixes
Beginning of next year = SA, new client, beta, etc. Live stuff will be balance passes.
Fixing Sherry the Mouse not doing town crier stuff: will be mentioned, may be tied into 56
EMs might be coming back, Details: No details about EMs at this time... legal is working on it
Repeat question regarding hiding tamers and greater dragons
They do not QA for Siege due to resources issues, depend a lot on reports from players.
Additional character slots on Siege... nothing right now, feedback very fixed
Speedhacking is difficult to test in house
Treasures of Tokuno: Not on the schedule
SA artifacts like Tokuno: yes
Client crashes: one found when gating while someone else is moving items keep sending in bug reports
Has Faction participation increased? Not a massive increase yet
Equipping/trading faction items: Cannot be used unless you are of the correct rank in the correct faction
Resize delay on placement tools: written down to be removed
Champ Spawn cams: Currently being investigated, more champ spawn style monsters in SA
Someone talking about needing Soulbinding to keep from "dumping" items on extra characters to get back into a Faction fight
New Faction items are not blessed, but are insurable
Soulbinding would mess up Siege
Unknown on Town Halls for next year
Peerless bosses being soloable: Most Peerless take 1 - 5 players, Champ Spawns 5 - 10 players, Epic Encounters will take 10 - 15 players
Permanent Spring Cleaning: Concept was popular, may be done in the future
Community Collections need to be looked at before new features added
Dragon breath for Greaters needs to be nerfed according to Leuro
Garg flying works like Etherals (this was covered at the last Town Hall)
Stackable issues need to be looked at (bugged item IDs)
11th Anniversary items: no detail off the top of Jeremy's head.
Team given an "11th Anniversary Cake" in presentation box
Silver Steeds: Unknown... whole good and evil system not active on shards (is on Siege)... probably a dead system
A thief idea to give the gold value of an item to the thief if they try to steal it and it is insured
Useless skills have been discussed for SA uses
Beggars: Beggars will be useful for Trick or Treating also a bugfix for begging in 56
Dread Warhorse spawn again? Unknown
Voice Chat inside the game using distance: Never even considered plans for voice chat, unlikely at this time
Why create a new client: It is more maintainable for 11 more years, current client is very old.
Cross shard gate to Fel rules: dupes due to Xferring are "terrifying".
PvP "minigames" based on dev team schedules, they want ot get them in though
Gain rate for Taming: difficulty based thus dependent on the animal.
117.1 was the highest in Spellweaving without GGS, may be affecting Tamers or other skills.
Customizing castles: Adding new fixed home designs requires a LOT of work for the design team.
Court yards will be looked into. Recall was taken out due to facet flipping with moonstones
Chariots for 11th year rewards: Noted after some off-mic crosstalk
No loss of 2d until new client reaches 95%+ usage, new features are a new client draw, but may be put in based on useage, not on schedule as client builders are working on the new client
Perspective in KR/SA vs 2D is an illusion.
Artist coming back from the T2A days (interesting!)
Dev Team looking better than it was a few months ago... grinding away on the SA client.
Team picture taken 2 weeks ago, could be posted soon
Cus and Karma loss due to mythology: not something that was considered for UO
Planning for Publishes: Jeremy goes over the Publish process, took a bathroom break as there's a lot of process information, but not really "hard news", so check the audio recording for details!
Making champ spawns free-for-all no murder count PvP: "write that down, interesting suggestion"
No Halloween shard this year due to lack of time
Retribution shard is the Focus group shard (not very active) (Draconi's Toys)
Special shards are generally done on Devs' free time
Ghosts need to be able to walk through boxes: noted as bug.
Shardwide events posted on Five on Friday
SA chat client chat improvement question... to be covered later
Player run town system is dormant... ideas are around, but nothing considered yet due to dev resource issues
Repeat ToT question
Some plans for pigments, but nothing at hand to report
What new resources in Stygian: stone and granite for armor and weapons Embueing will have 3 types of fragments from Unravelling: Residue, Essence, relic fragments; Rare ML ingredients will be used, normal gems will be used
Bone, Fertile Dirt, Dragon's Blood, Daemon Bone are the four new reagents
Exclusive offers are TEMPORARILY exclusive
Question on inventorying certain Doom artifacts for dupes (I would think this would be difficult due to X-Shard trading)
Jeremy talks about deleting Vine Cords vs artifacts, lets a little something slip verbally
Bushido changes; probably
Gardening: not as a skill
No new ridables in the immediate future
No cart/chariot/wagon in the forseeable future (at least not before the expansion)
You cannot stack spell effects (i.e. if a weapon has Hit Lightning, you cannot add Hit Magic Arrow) with the spell above
Crap I lost some notes due to the wrong click
Chivarly needs to not be a 60 point skill anymore
They want to move away from skill jewelry being able to "break" the skill cap
Talk about rescaling skill points... before they can add in skill cap increases.
DCI for archers: not remembering an exception for archers
Accuracy in Archery is something to be looked into
DCI may not affect Dismount
Special Moves may not be working properly in terms of defending against them
Client crash when looting items: There is a crash that is being looked into, probably two inter-related issues
"Those evil hamsters" (probably about the login server)
Legal way to sell UO gold: Currently selling UO gold is not a violation. Jacobs may not like RMT sales, but it is LEGAL in UO.
11th year vet rewards are on the table, no news yet
Anti-Virtue system for reds: something kicked around, no firm plans
Multiple faction arties on one character: believe so
Exorcism: No plans to make "wider" in effect
Seed stacking: more need of a BOD book style of system than stacking
More character slots or skill points: Slots not determined, NO skill point increases
Weight for new reagents: will be looked into
EA does not get involved in vouching for RMT sales sites Buy at your own risk
Need specific reports for freezing issues
New client cannot get rid of ALL outside programs (not a winnable fight, other methods will be used)
LRC works with Mysticism reagents
Talk about the Soul Forge: One version for house, a potent version in towns, and a special version with max bonus in Garg town
Mysticism will have some complementary skills
Town Hall in Canada: Send in suggestions as Feedback
Will need to earn the garg's trust to use the high end forge
RvR in UO: "no not really" (really answered above with X-Sharding dupe worries)
Gem carts give out different gems, apparently will not sell to a jeweler (hmmm didn't pick gem cart)
Logs from stumps do not stack with chopped logs: probably a bug
Leuro asks Rico: What the heck does "la" mean?
Race to Garg: yes, not figured out how it will work yet
Garg bonus: Bonuses to the new skills, others up on website
KR patch: is Pub 56 with substantial animations additions and changes with new artwork
OSI houses, send them in, Customer support will take them down as they get time
Pet AI improvement (pathing): a good suggestion to be worked on
Ancient Samurai Helms do not auto-dress when you quick loot corpse... known as it's a blessed item, may be worked on.
GMs do not do ideas or bugfixes, Devs do bugfixing, use bug reports and feedback as GMs cannot help
Pet flagging bug allowing people to give counts: looking into it
Flagging issues with casting a Revenant after the initial 2minute flag time... send in info so they can get it to QA
Marketing for UO: good for visibility, not as good for revenue. Retail margin on console and used games better than for computer games
And now to WRR for prize giveaways... so unless they come with some more info, there's the bullet point transcript!