Hey, all! I'm going to go ahead and turn off my PMs here, because I have enough trouble keeping up with one inbox, let alone several. Here's a list of ways to get a hold of me for all the possible reasons you might want to:
For general gameplay feedback, opinions, suggestions, complaints, etc:
The Feedback Forms (These go to my inbox, but formatted all nicely - please use it! Feedback forms generally don't get a direct response, due to volume, but I read and log every one.)
For Customer Service or billing issues:
First, make sure you've
submitted a ticket and/or a
GM Review. If you've gone through the channels and need further help, email me at jdalberg AT ea DOT com.
To get an event or announcement listed in the Five on Friday:
jdalberg AT ea DOT com, and please put FOF: as the start of the subject line - that'll make it easy to find when I'm putting the content together.
Bug/exploit reports:
The Feedback Forms have a category for bugs, or you can email uobugs AT ea DOT com. Feel free to CC me if you feel that it's super-urgent or an exploit - we do reward the first report of a serious exploit whenever we can, and I can light fires under various people if it's a critical one - not that Mesanna needs much help crackin the whip, most days. (Note: Bug reports do not get responses, due to volume. They do get read, logged, and prioritized daily.)
If you can't figure out what to do, or who to talk to, just shoot me an email. I'm sometimes not the fastest about responding - I get a LOT of email - but I read everything, and I respond as fast as I can, barring serious cases of brain-leaking-out-ears. If you don't get a response within a week, then probably my brain has leaked out my ears, and feel free to resend. My
*edited to add what was omitted from above*
If you don't get a response within a week, then probably my brain has leaked out my ears, and feel free to resend. My mother trained me to respond well to nagging
(Mods, feel free to sticky this if you'd like.)