If you really believe that the majority of people don't commit crimes, you are a big misguided. Just look at the few that Kaiser mentioned. I won't rehash them but they clearly show that committing crimes is done by more people than you seem to want to admit. Just going with his examples, if a small town banished everyone in their town that committed even one of those crimes, do you think that town would have the tax income needed to stay afloat? Doubtful.
Yet we can safely assume that majority of the population is not committing crimes and at least attempt to remove from society those who do, even or especially those who run multimillion dollar operations leeching on the said society.
UO, sadly, is a small town. One that needs all of the tax income it can get. Regardless of the rah rah's here on this board or the bogus comments from EA members about the subject, EA really does know this to be true. They created a game that not only allowed these things, but encouraged them. Now they have a situation where these activities are running rampant and to get rid of all of the people doing these things would decimate the population of the game. You may claim that you don't cheat or break any laws but I guarantee you that you have gone 1 mile over the speed limit before in your life. And I am pretty sure you jaywalked. But, keep telling yourself that only criminals commit crimes. You are right. Only criminals do commit crimes. And the number of criminals is much much higher than you want to accept it as being. And, in a flashback to older times, pot kettle black.