Urgh. I don't remember, anymore, the Dev's name, but back on the old UO Forums, they had a tech help forum, and there was a Dev (I want to say Sanio, but just not sure!) that spent his FREE TIME there helping out people who had issues. We had a 3 week e-mail exchange figuring out how to streamline my system to run 3D flawlessly. Some of the stuff he walked me thru had nothing particular to do with UO, it was more computer maintenance and OS streamlining, networking, that sort of thing. He was very dedicated to helping people run UO on their systems to the best of the game and system capabilities.
I also really like Draconi and wish he had more people working with him on the Live Team to make his ideas and events come more quickly and smoothly. How can you question the dedication of a man who built a whole shard and events on his own time, while sitting in airports, while moving across country during holidays, just to still be a Dev for us? You may not always agree with his ideas, but you cannot question his dedication.
I like how Mesana is dedicated to tracking down bugs.
I like Sakkara's open communication. Again, you may not agree with her ideas, but you have to admit she is out there.
Leuro ... I wish he weren't locked away from us in the SA dungeon ... I can only hope that SA will have much awesomeness thanks to his work on it, and that when we come out the other side, he will be back to working on our regular game systems.