2 thumbs up from me! Yes they ARE thumbs.
While some things may take awhile to fix and response to certain bugs seems slow sometimes,I`m smart enough to realize why such things happen in a game with 11 year old coding.It must be a pancake to look for/find anything and very time consuming.While most peaple want instant gratification in such an old game,most peaple don`t get what it takes to make changes and maintain such an old game.
Easy to say "Well WAR gets all the love,they banned over 4k gold sellers!" Well when WAR was made,it was made with the ability to easily deal with crap like that.The game was made with ease of bug fixing hack prevention and all that in mind.
I`m pirty sure when UO was created,it was not on their minds to hafta control duping and hacks and scripts etc.IMO not because they didn`t want to but moreso they knew very little if anything about them.Not like there was an abundance of MMORPG`s on store shelves back than.Not like they could look at others and see how cheaters effect and destroy their game.
Was a different time,lots have been learned since UO`s creation.I`m just glad big bad EA/Mythic keeps UO going.It`d be all to easy to just say,"man this is rediculous,wy are we toiling so hard on a game thats so hard to change?" It`s for us,the players.Regardless of what all the EA haters spew,its for US and they do care bout their game or it wouldn`t be here.
Anyways,Gratz to the devs and keep up the good work.Its got to be tuff and some of your players actually understand this.