I see this same character in exactly the same place every single day in the Luna Smith. There are actually 4 characters standing on the same tile all with the same name. Every day at server up, they log in one by one, collect a Bod, fill the Bod, then turn it in and log out. After the appropriate wait time, a few hours later, they're again seen logging back in and repeating the cycle.
How blatant do you guys want scripters to be before something is done about it? They're doing this in Luna, which on Pacific is the busiest bank. If our toons could thumb their noses I'm sure these would be doing so every single time they log on.
I normally don't bother myself with scripters, but I work very hard with my Smith to achieve what I do with him, and use the Luna Smith for all of my Smithing business so I can check out what's going on and see who's selling what and all. It just really bothers me that this person has been doing this for at least a couple of years now and nothing has ever been done about it, while I'm trying to compete in the same market as he is selling my Smithing wares. Hell, it wouldn't surprise me a bit if this is one of the accounts that the recent duped Val hammer Bods came from originally.
So how about it Dev's? When is enough going to be enough?
I paged on this particular character months ago. I did some research first. UOHerald.com>MYUO>Char Search>Pacific>Char Name, and found he had at that time 27 characters all with the exact same name.
I paged on him at least three different times back then. A GM must have talked to him because while I stood near the four characters all with the same name in the same spot one day I had the owner of these characters tell me on another character of his that he was not afk.
Hmm, that looks suspicious even as I reread this but I hear that lots of people run two accounts at the same time these days and it can be done legally with two computers side by side and two accounts.
I watched and waited but a GM never removed any of his characters.
Since I now know who these characters belong to, and he told me he's not afk, and since a GM never removed any of his chars, I personally have to assume that he is NOT afk.
I think he has multiple accounts and logs in one account at a time, gets a bod, then logs off and lets the character time out naturally while getting on the next account and repeating until all characters on all accounts have gotten their bods.
I do think that the current system of collecting bods is set up to encourage cheating, however.
Get tracking skill and sit inside Luna tailor shop or most any Trammel or Malas tailor shop and see how many characters are standing HIDDEN either inside (or outside on the grass in the case of Pac Luna tailor shop) to get a tailor bod.
There are many hidden characters collecting mostly tailor bods that stand in one place and NEVER EVER move. Use tracking around Pacific Trammel Serpent's Hold tailor shop, Nu'jelm tailor shop, Skara Brae tailor shop, both Jhelom tailor shops and you will see what I mean.
Sometimes I see there is a hidden character inside that tavern near West Brit tailor shop in Pac sorting bods, you can't see the character because they are hidden but you can see the bods flying through the roof of the tavern. With tracking you can see their name of course.
The current bod collecting system makes it too easy to cheat.
1. Make it so that the character has to move to get a bod. Don't allow them to log out within reach of a bod giver. If they have .1 or above tailor or smith skill and log out within reach of a bod giver, they should be transported to various safe random locations so that they have to move back into position before they get a new bod.
That would certainly prevent many unnecessary pages to a GM over the particular character who appears to be afk but isn't mentioned here by Connor, because he could no longer stand in the same position to collect bods day after day and make other players suspicious.
2. Change the system so that when you get a new bod or are sorting bods or even filling bods, each action makes you visible. The person Connor mentions here is NOT hiding even though he knows he will get paged on but he could hide and save himself the trouble like lots of other bod collectors, sorters, and bod fillers do. Making them visible will make them think twice about cheating and if they still desire to cheat it will make them lots easier to page on.
3. .1 skill tailors and .1 skill smith should NOT be allowed to collect a bod every hour on the hour. The legendary tailor I caught scripting on Pac (meaning that I paged on her script chars several different times for bod collecting scripting and for hidden bod filling until those 12 characters no longer appeared in Char search, so I can assume they got banned), was using .1 skill bod collectors to obtain a bod every hour on the hour at Del tailor/smith for a grand total of about 4000 bods per week.
Connor you possibly buy those scripted bods from her now and therefore are supporting her scripting. She had two rented Luna vendors who sell barbed and horned kits bods (that she got from scripting of course) along with some actual horned kits.
I suggested these same changes in the feedback form on UOHerald.com several MONTHS ago.
I'd like to point out that bagballs DO NOT prevent people from logging in on a spot, therefore they DO NOT prevent someone logging in to get a bod in the same spot over and over. Log out in the corner of your house, drop a bagball on that spot with another char, then log in with first char and the bagball will be under your char's feet.
I know this because I tried to stop the person mentioned here by Connor (who I no longer believe is scripting) with bagballs, his four chars still logged in four to the pile on top of them.
The female scripter on the other hand, was recalling to get her bods, I used bagballs to prevent her char recalling to the tailor shop and held her until a GM came.
We assumed a GM came because her char did a funny sidestep and poofed after trying to recall for an hour and a half and also that char eventually ceased to exist in UO char search.
I'm sure there are other good ideas to make scripting bods less easy and therefore less profitable.
It might turn out that a majority of paid UO accounts are owned by those hundreds of hidden bod collectors though and these changes might make them stop paying...
Are we ready for that?