im a idoc hunter its great u guy fixed a bunch of the idoc problems but there is one problem that still exsists that has not even been addressed an alot of people will agree is a hug problem an it was eather done by your staff or a really huge exsploit but we would like to see some action on it now to exsplain the problem......
i have ran the world of brit on the trammel side an fel side today on lake austins shard an low an behold the problem i was hoping would be fixed is only 100 times worse then it has been now i ran 6 of the server sections of going by the uoauto map outa the 6 server box's i checked me an my group counted an marked in uoauto map over 1200 small towers all owned by a name of (dsfasfa) that are all empty houses that are only there blocking hundreds apond hundreds of house spots in tram an fel an theres about another 500 to 800 that are placed that just say private an unnamed with no character placer name so we are talking in the area of 2500 to 3000 house spots being blocked an im sure alot of uo would like to know one if someones has done this why hasnt nothing been done about it or 2 if it was ea why where these houses placed into uo there is something seriusly wrong here an from what i hear this is not the only shard having this problem Dev's plz give us some insight on this problem!!!!!!!!!!
i have ran the world of brit on the trammel side an fel side today on lake austins shard an low an behold the problem i was hoping would be fixed is only 100 times worse then it has been now i ran 6 of the server sections of going by the uoauto map outa the 6 server box's i checked me an my group counted an marked in uoauto map over 1200 small towers all owned by a name of (dsfasfa) that are all empty houses that are only there blocking hundreds apond hundreds of house spots in tram an fel an theres about another 500 to 800 that are placed that just say private an unnamed with no character placer name so we are talking in the area of 2500 to 3000 house spots being blocked an im sure alot of uo would like to know one if someones has done this why hasnt nothing been done about it or 2 if it was ea why where these houses placed into uo there is something seriusly wrong here an from what i hear this is not the only shard having this problem Dev's plz give us some insight on this problem!!!!!!!!!!