in responce to your earlier post about 720 skills unfornatly i havent act got a soul stone and i am at 720 with certain skills pointing down... im gonna look into how to get one... tho with yours and other people advise i have managed to get to 111.2 swords so far and act got a few minor virtue arties on the way
thank you gfx for the kind offer of starting a new server i will keep that in mind!!!
now... ive act got a different problem which i would like advise on... in Europa there seems to be a HUGE shortage of slayer weapons....
currently for a repond super slayer im using the "soul seeker"...
currently for a undead super slayer im using a "holy sword".....
now i have been running round on and off for two weeks looking for a decent "demon super slayer" and also a decent "elemental super slayer" fact id say ive searched high and low for them for a combined total of about 20 hrs
question 1 is... is it possible to get these two super slayers (ele and demon) in arti weapon forms? and if so what's the name for them? if it is not possible is any one aware of any shops in europa who act have any kind of decent slayer collections for sale....
i kid you not i just can not fund a decent slayer... in fact ive not once found a ele slayer yet... and the only demon slayers ive seen have penaltys of faster cast -1 etc and really bad damage increase etc......
[edit] im looking for these's SSlayers in Swordmanship