"Anyone with patience can avoid paying high prices. There are hundreds of items that were expensive and now are affordable."
I can't agree, people still have issues buying items from previous expansions. You have a trader's view on this.
To trade and sell an item which you NEED TO USE PERSONALLY because say, you PvP or PvM, you need to have it at least a couple of times.
SA's delay gave new people even more time to catch up- and yet not everyone has, say, Crimson Cinctures nor has their price fallen. Nor do they even have ToT items or Chargers Of The Fallen. Just naming some examples. Mind, if the prices fall a trader quickly buys the item and re-sells next day more expensive. This cycle keeps the price high and gets it even higher in fact. Last year's expensive is today's cheap in UO and a new-comer is intimidated just by looking at Price Tag: 10 Million.
"New player, new event, gets items and sells it for up to millions. Immediately they have millions."
First off millions get you nowhere these days. Try billion(s) for serious accounts.
Events are like the Lotto. Can't be based on them and if you're new you probably aren't equipped to fight properly. If you could, you'd be correct. I won't even go into corruption in that area! As for the rest, a new-comer cannot go into Doom and make more than they lose including skulls for as long as their first months of play. Even people from other games like WoW have a really hard time understanding Ultima.
I managed to get a friend to check UO ON A READY CHARACTER on a spare account of mine.. and he was TOTALLY lost. He then made his own character and from there he instantly quit. I've personally seen this more than 2 times during the last 2 years. I've also seen people leave UO for WoW and other games and never look back- believe it or not.
"I don't see how you are really effected. What can't you get that others have?"
In this case, I cannot for instance get a couple of millions per day. Not only because it eludes me but because gold-farming nausea gets to me after 10-11 years.
"All the new vet rewards could make you millions now. SELL THEM and buy them back in a few months cheaper."
I have not enough choices, I'll end up BUYING instead of selling. I am not alone in this. And I am not crying about it, just saying. Imagine how a new-comer feels. And it was stupid to put most of the usefull stuff 1st Year because 1st Year players don't even have 2 choices.
"I agree with you on DUPERS and scripters. They create gold faster than it can be absorbed."
Thus gold becomes cheaper. And unlike gold you would legitimately make, it's there 24/7. Not to mention that to me, spending my earned money for virtual money is totally legitimate. Instead of my character, I work.. To put it very simply. If someone believes I'm stupid for doing this that's their opinion and I am fine by it. I'm enjoying myself in this game the way I believe I should be. Since you say the market is flaw-less and works like a charm I shouldn't be causing much harm with my purchases for real life money.
"Fix scripting and let everyone a playing field play fair."
..If you do that and deny me of the gold I would buy with real life money (as a new player) you're putting between me and you a chasm of riches and items I will never cross. Unless I get lucky in an Event maybe or I accept to be ****-poor and out of competition for the next 3 or possibly 4 years if I want to PvP especially.
"How? Well come see me and Ill give you 1 or 2 million seed money. It's easy.
Just dont have a stupid name like GaNSTa MamA. It's silly."
That's part of what I meant when I mentioned finding nice people, being nice yourself, having a bit of patience and will to play and so on. But just being patient will get you nowhere. In my case even trying to "work" the game did not pay off.
Finally there should be alternatives but they are rejected time and again which I completely fail to understand.