plus you always just count your tnt people, i count your entire alliance. also its funny how you make it sound like we did horrible. in neither of the two fights did you manage to kill all of us, and in both fights did we kill more people than we had total. i killed 6 guys myself,
lol... your post still cracks me up!
Here we go:
I count 5v5?
wow, a dead shak!
how cute! Two corpses of the same player!
Jeeze, where is our huge army? I only see six of us!
poor sir dan
thats so weird, I only see 7 TnT OR TO at a time!?!??!
Maybe my uoam was broken!
(note, YES, the pics are edited... Thats obviously not my full screen... I moved my uoam closer to cut down on image size. So please don't waste your breath with that argument).
This is all form the first encounter.
After this you guys got even more people on. At that point you had us outnumbered by 1 or 2. Yet we still dropped several of you with little of our own losses. Sorry, no pics...