You're making much more gold than what I'm buying, during a month, without the use of illegal procedures.
Congatulations Connor. You're the only person I'd be dissappointed to see proven a cheater after this revelation! You don't strike me as the type at all.
Just think about it for a bit though.
Making gold being as easy as you(all) describe it, means you raise the prices of items because you are able to buy them. When the vendor is restocked after the 3rd time the price of the same item will have gone up. People who cannot make gold as easily will have double trouble acquiring those items. Even if the price goes back down after a week they still can't afford it. So they buy gold. Or stagnate item-wise. And they look for the CHEAPEST gold.
So, Gold Sellers.. Their prices never reach below 1.5. They know the easier some of us make gold the higher the prices on items will be eventually thus their prices are steady. Occasionally you will stumble on a quitter trying to sell fast, going for 0.7. But they have limited supplies and will attract too many hungry mouths so to say.
Meanwhile people who run big-time vendors often are after real life cash. The gold their vendors make most often ends up sold to BROKERS for 0.X. or to players for the standard price of the Brokers.
If they do not sell they hoard and hoard so they can instantly buy whatever is the new item of the day and re-sell with profit increasing its overall value, while the guys who cannot make gold so easily are left even farther behind. So it's better to sell the gold for both parties because there are very long periods with no new kinky items that everyone wants. That's where we are now. Even Event Items have lost their luster. SA's launch will be interesting to observe. I wonder what economical anomalies it will introduce with its "Fresh Start" capability, EVEN if you are able to turn current items into Gargoyle ones.
So now, take the Brokers and independent sellers out of the equation and what do you have? Gold painfully-slowly recycling between a group of item sellers that eventually want to sell and buy items for real life cash because among them gold has no value yet they will not lower prices. Because "gold is easy".
Enter dupers. They put a check on all of those categories by having low competitive prices and 24/7 availability even on items. They anger the other groups because they can't buy them out dry, meaning dupers provide flow. They don't care about their accounts either so they will be more efficient in getting items related to tedious tasks whereas for an "honest" trader it's a risk every time they script. And they sure as Hell do. They help those that are ****-poor in UO but have real life money. Most of all they are not arrogant virtual aristocrats with bizzare attitudes and superiority complexes, like most in that "inner circle" of traders.
And to top it off, when someone spends 300 million over-night(guess where got it) I don't see the vendor owner questioning the gold's source. Yeah yeah, "Gold is easy so they made it like I do.". If that's so and everyone can spend 300 mill over-night how come I can INFLUENCE THE MARKET by throwing in 1 Billion in a night? And that's A REAL EXAMPLE.
Pretentious to the marrow of the bone. Every last one of the big-shot vendor running traders on my server, sorry to say. And VERY arrogant bastards. It's already like this in real life, I don't have to put up with that in-game.
Lastly they too sell duped gold. Their vendors have it, because people buy using duped gold. And they sell it for 1.5 whereas the player got it for 0.8! So who's really hurting the player AND THE GAME- since after years of this recycling a newbie cannot hope to acquire anything valuable through anything but sheer luck and accidental timing..? Even Connor said "Treasures Of Tokuno". You get the point.
To the newbie it's very intimidating to have to make a "MILLION GOLD" per day. And then we got everyone disagreeing with loot changes, vendors buying stuff for higher prices. It just says it all.
In a past post I mentioned my view about the triangle of UO- Merchants, Dupers and Players. I don't care if you call it a Conspiracy Theory.. All I care is that if I trace my gold it goes in circles, its price increasing and if it weren't for DUPERS 80% of the people I know WOULD NOT BE ABLE TO ENJOY THE GAME. Mostly because they would have quit.
Time to conclude my observations on UO's economy. I believe every one of us has made profit in different ways and led them to separate deductions. My own post here is proof of that. I don't have people backing me up to begin with and certainly have no profit even posting this. I am not even saying "Gold Is Easy so go make it and stop whining".
Nor am I saying "Go buy duped gold".
Choose your own way but understand that UO reeks of pretenders and profiteers. My suggestion instead of either buying dupes or quit the game trying to make the rich traders richer, find an active guild with nice people and you will realise you hardly have to buy anything. It will take time but it won't make you quit the game in frustration.
What about buyers?
And I have been buying dye tubs for 60k and selling them for 90k. My point. Buying and reselling doesnt jack up the prices. Quantity always trumps price increase. New items, I sell for a lot. Why? Players with lots of gold dont mind paying for it.
Does it hurt the new player? Nope. Why? Well eventually the supply trumps demand and price falls. Anyone with patience can avoid paying high prices. There are hundreds of items that were expensive and now are affordable.
Finally, its a game. Its an imperfekt economee. Amount of gold per item has no ill toward new players. Why? A new player can come in at anytime as sell for top gold. New player, new event, gets items and sells it for up to millions. Immediately they have millions. The economy works with respect to getting value for your items. NOW if you dont know what you have, thats not the game fault.
And finally finally, nothing is real. I dont see how you are really effected. What cant you get that others have?
You can go to Doom right?
You can do peerless right?
You can attend events and sell the items you get?
You can xshard and go to EM events on asain shards?
You can shop vendors and resell?
You can do power scrolls?
You can trade items?
All the new vet rewards could make you millions now. SELL THEM and buy them back in a few months cheaper.
I agree with you on DUPERS and scripters. The create gold faster then it can be absorb.
The create items that are supposedly "rare". Well for every item they create there is a buyer. I dont buy them. I have never bought a server birth rare or event item. No way. They are so duped its embarrassing.
Fix the dupes and scripting and let everyone a playing field play fair.
OH and finally finally finally, the old and boring example of the new player just stinks anymore. If your new, you pay your hard knocks. You learn, you grow. Any new player can step into the game.
How? Well come see me and Ill give you 1 or 2 million seed money. Its easy.
Just dont have a stupid name like GaNSTa MamA. Its silly.