with certain programs i wont mention on here i have seen plenty of mages casting on the run. chain para and efield+ wall of stone = my char dead from 1 mage. if there is more than 1 mage its that much simpler. you complain about moving shot but then you added in other mods to get the damage way up there so here is one that mages do all the time........strangle+corpse+para+explo+fs now while the strangle is ticking away for 10-20 damage per you get para'd and then explo fs for easily 100+ so if you wanna nerf the damage a mage does with that then we can talk about my moving shot doing massive damage IF all the mods for the weapon go off at the same time per hit. archers already got a serious nerf hit with ninja deathstrike but it didnt effect any other melee chars even though they can hit very hard with ds, but i adapted and dealt with it. with moving shot i miss the target sometimes but a mage NEVER misses his target....he may fizzle but if he gets the spell off it NEVER misses unless the person they are attacking has evasion. how would you like it if you casted a spell and didnt fizzle but then it missed the target completely? im sure mages would be throwing some serious fits but thats what my char and other melee chars deal with all the time.
i dont play a tamer archer either but if my specials are limited then they need to limit other specials too. i dont bother to fight against them either, thats when i usually go do something else.
each char has its own strengths and weaknesses learning to adapt to them is what makes you better, so learn how to deal with each temp and find something that works for you
First off...I play nothing but mages in PvP (although I have played archers and dexers in the past) I know for a fact there is no possibility to cast on the run. As I stated before with absolute CLARITY, there is a minimum .5 seconds a mage is paralyzed from casting. This moment of being frozen only gets longer with a) spell difficulty and b) casting delay. (spells such as fire spells have an additional casting delay) There are NO programs that allow you to skip this delay...and what you are referring to is referred to as "timing". As an archer though I expect you not to know how to use UO assist to query target...hence this BS.
Second...get resist and chiv (60 will do) and in addition carry apples and potions. I see you mention high damage and I can give you two reasons for this.
1) resist...without it...spells and debuffs will
a) be more potent...
b) last longer
c) do more damage...especially with necro mages in your case (curse AND corpse skin)
2) Not prepared...
a) No chiv or else no macros to remove curse
b) No apples else no macros to use for remove debuffs (strangle included!)
c) No pots else no macros for pots else no balanced bows
Against mages you are letting yourself get beat. Why? Because ANY good archer should not have a problem killing a mage under todays ruleset, especially if you use bows with delayed hit spell. Archers are hands on the most potent char to use against mages due to the large damage they can dish out from a distance while being on the move. (75+ conc blows with right equipment to mages with low mana, 30+ dmg moving shots continuously and the list goes on)
Your gripes about damage from mages supposedly on the run? Hogwash, completely. I have 120 eval 120 magery 100 scribe and the max 15% sdi on my char...and I know that a flamestrike to someone curse with 60 fire is at max 42. If you are gettting hit for MORE than this then you are....
a) under teh effects of Evil Omen...in which case the spell hits you for 150% intensity...
b) corpse skinned...
....in either case resist and apples alone would prevent this. Should we be concerned about your concerns if you are not doing what you can to STOP the offensive issues BEFORE complaining?
On the flipside...the counters for a mage vs. an archer are non-existent. Moving shot is sick...and allows a mage little time to heal besides with pots and mini heals. Both of which cannot keep up with the amount of damage an archer can dish out (that is if they actually know thier template) and leave mages with little other option besides running. Hence, if you are an archer and know your items and template well...killing mages should NEVER be an issue for you.
Mage spells hit everytime? DUH!...we need some way of getting passed being fizzled everytime we are hit...that is since dexers and archers cannot be fizzled (parried yes...fizzled no...regardless your specials still go off even if they do get blocked)
cure pots...can be chugged continuous
heals pots...every 10 secs
stamina pots...continous
apples...EVERY 12.5 seconds!!!
trapped box...7-13 dmg vs. getting para ganked for deathrobe
bandies...4 second heals with full stam (CHUG!!!)
chiv heal with 3/6 or 4/6...faster than ANY mage offensive spells...
Please review this information first if you wish to reply. I took my personal time to try and honestly inform you...