"The difference is that the only use for gold in Diablo was to gamble at Gheed's."
In Diablo, no item cost about x1000000000000000 the maximum amount you could find from top-end mobs because it either was a drop itself, or you bought it off an NPC, without greedy sellers around. And those who sold stuff in Battle.Net were far more logical with their prices, GUIDED BY THE VENDOR'S PRICES and PLAYER DEMAND. NOT -ONLY- PLAYER DEMAND AND GREED.
In Diablo, there was no insurance.
In Diablo there were NO GREEDY PC SELLERS.
And if you don't like Diablo as my example try ANY OTHER SINGLE PLAYER OR MULTIPLAYER GAME'S MOB DROP SYSTEM.
Those are your sinks, among with Golden Skulls etc etc. They aren't EA sinks, but they work BETTER THAN THEY SHOULD. This is not meant as a faucet system, it's meant to make low to medium level PvM a bit more interesting, training a new char a bit more fun instead of beating a golem and so on.
"Armor and weapons to NPC armorers and weaponsmiths. Gems to NPC provisioners or jewelers. Raw meats to NPC butchers. Bones - cut up and sell to player characters/tailors. hides/leather to NPC tailors/cobblers."
Yeah. And you will have a total of MAYBE 250 GP from each kill. Maybe. If you have enough time to do all these things amidst spawn. If you aren't bored by the repetitiveness which I'm saying shouldn't be there. It's too iffy. Sure is nice to be able to chop corpses for resources but that's not a solution or a counter proposal to mine. It's an extra.
"I also have to ask if this post is for real. Even someone like me who hasn't played forever and a day like most knows that you CAN sell stuff you find to NPCs."
Read my post again. The issue isn't that there's no way to sell items..
"I do it when I start characters on a new shard in order to get some gold. I sell meat to a butcher, a cook, or an innkeeper. Spell scrolls found as loot are sold to mages. Junk armor and weapons are sold to an armourer or blacksmith or provisioner. Jewelry and gems are sold to a jeweler. Hides are sold to a tanner. Sheep are shorn and then killed and their wool is made into cloth and sold to a tailor or kept for use by a warrior or tamer."
All those are extra stuff. All those do not primarily interest someone killing orcs, or an aspiring adventurer who wants to have nothing to do with sheep for crying out loud.
"I sell very little lumber or ingots because the amount paid is so darn low."
Now you begin to get it.
"Makes more sense to have my carpenter or fletcher make stuff from wood for skill gains and sell that, or have my tinker make stuff and sell it, since none of the stuff they make can be recycled to use for further skill gains."
And you'll sell it for 5 GP..? After all this wool shearing, ingot mongering, running around, skill fails, logging in with different char..? LOL.
"So u want a NPC to buy all your loot armour for mega gold??? At 10 million a throw..LOL ... Is this post real...U simply kill a few mobs then go cash in???"
So u want a NPC to teach you how to read for the win??? Sheesh.
"What's the point of the gold the mobs drop.."
None. That's the problem.
"Whats the point of having vendors in game...."
None. You either keep what you can sell to players or nothing. Unless you want to buy non-GM made pots and tools. Maybe ingots if you are too bored to dig.
"IS THIS POST FOR REAL....Again????"
Yeppers. :loser:
PS. : In the end, do you want people buying stuff off E-Bay or do you want them playing? Think. Hard.