today i sent a letter to Jeremy about the current situation in uo but i didn't realize how shortsighted i was until i went back to the web sight (everyone prob knows them buy now gold for cash or search vendors for items) the owner of one of the sights has been making money just by my having a luna vendor the fact is when i did the search i saw items on my vendor never thought this was a negative until i noticed $2.25 on EVERYONE OF THEM. yes ALL OF THEM this pissed me off more then the other reason i sent the letter to jeremy and as a result i have removed all my items from the vendor and am leaving a rune. If it disappears i will place something that can be named but NOT REMOVED with the statement "All items removed do to the fact i don't want someone else making money off my hard work" i do not accept cash for anything in game i try to be an honest player and not offend other players but in this i am extremely angry i don't find it fair to the players who pay cash to play and or ea who is being cheated out of money (hell they could sell the stuff themselves no doubt this would be insane and kill the already messed up economy) but in fact the items in game called pixel crack belong to EA/UO not the players or even these thieves who are in fact getting some of the player base to pay there way into the game
I waited 3-5 hours before i sent the letter to Jeremy i didn't want to be offensive to her or anyone at EAmythic i just hope others understand what i am saying and at least speak up about this kind of SCAM to get players to pay for THEIR (the owner of these sights or scripters) lifestyles
i believe these types of sites are owned by scripters and that the things they are selling are either made by themselves to save on gold and or bought with gold because they cant get the items themselves i think about all the items i have sold since i placed the luna vendor and if in fact they made $2.25 for even 1/3 of the items i have sold then they prob payed for about 3 months of playing time i feel ripped off not because i didn't get anything but because i was used in a since to make them money and have spent money too, in a way unwittingly help them by playing uo and placing the items on the vendor
i only wish i could figure out a way to mess with these sights that would be legal according to ea rules (going to look into this) ie. rename my vendor "closed do to vendor search web sights" i am wondering if i could get that or even more into the name of the vendor and how long it would take for there web admins to prevent it from being shown on there sights
I waited 3-5 hours before i sent the letter to Jeremy i didn't want to be offensive to her or anyone at EAmythic i just hope others understand what i am saying and at least speak up about this kind of SCAM to get players to pay for THEIR (the owner of these sights or scripters) lifestyles
i believe these types of sites are owned by scripters and that the things they are selling are either made by themselves to save on gold and or bought with gold because they cant get the items themselves i think about all the items i have sold since i placed the luna vendor and if in fact they made $2.25 for even 1/3 of the items i have sold then they prob payed for about 3 months of playing time i feel ripped off not because i didn't get anything but because i was used in a since to make them money and have spent money too, in a way unwittingly help them by playing uo and placing the items on the vendor
i only wish i could figure out a way to mess with these sights that would be legal according to ea rules (going to look into this) ie. rename my vendor "closed do to vendor search web sights" i am wondering if i could get that or even more into the name of the vendor and how long it would take for there web admins to prevent it from being shown on there sights