Yes because you have to be in Luna to use a golem...thats funny...the only reason most people do it in Luna is because it is just easier to get the golem in and out of the stable, and most don't do it inside the walls where the Six spawn. Also, most of the people that actually dare to AFK script on a golem in Luna are normally the ones that actually do get banned for macroing.
I know that and you know that - but you'd be surprised of the people that think you gotta be in Luna (it's been over a year since I saw a golem trainer that wasn't in the Luna outer ring, just outside the guardzone - most were even attended). And, The Stranger follows you, so going outside isn't a help.
Yes because beating on skeletons, bone knights, and earth elementals gets you much more ready for the game then beating on a golem.
Your sarcasm escapes me..... It
very much so gets you ready. You learn how to time heals for best effect, you learn when backing off for a heal or a spellcast is wiser than trying to do it in combat, you learn how to use special moves and other combat modifiers that will get you ATTACKED if you use them on a golem during training, and you learn which ones are and aren't worth using in your own game style. And, this is just scratching the surface.
I don't think many NEW players are even aware of the golem thing until someone tells them about it in game. That means they have to make in game friends to learn about it, and making ingame friends prepares you much more for playing this game then going to a deserted dungeon to beat on earth elementals.
That's funny.... Not only do many people get told about golems by people when they ask how to train skills, by NOT going out and looking for places, those that do train on golems often have no clue about what is where in the game. Most of the people of a level to use a golem, that end up getting set up with a golem by well-meaning friends or strangers, reach GM without knowing how to get to dungeons overland, or Cove, or Wind, or many, many other locations that they would have discovered by going out and looking for things to kill the old fashioned way.
I've met dozens of players, on a shard as small as mine, that were so dependent on rune books and rune libraries, that when the shard's primary rune library went IDOC and fell, they had no clue how to find Despise or Covetous (let alone the more remote dungeons)! A lot of these were brought in by experienced players - but those players had been brought in the same way, sometimes 4, 5 or more steps removed from people who learned where the major landmarks were the hard way, before the publish a year or two into AOS that made recall books no-fail with scrolls.
UO is suffering from the same geographical illiteracy towards Sosaria that much of the world is experiencing in terms of knowledge of real world geography.