It is funny that you just want to disregard the population in UO which actually frequent Felucca.
... .....
While the number of people who play UO may not exceed the number who stay in Trammel facets, it is not small enough to just push them aside.
I bet the number of players who truly want Power Scrolls in Trammel is a fraction of the population of Felucca players.
Let me state what I think you meant to say ...While the number of people who play UO may not exceed the number who stay in Trammel facets, it is not small enough to just push them aside.
"While the number of people who play UO" should read
"While the number of people who play Felucca"
IF so, then let us get this straight.
It is NOT the Trammel people pushing the Felucca people around. It is the Felucca People HOURLY trying to sell some CON/SCAM on HOW TO REMOVE TRAMMEL. Seeing as to how YOU choose to NOT bring it to their attention how they are misguided YOU BY YOUR SILENCE CONSENT to their CON/SCAM.
IT is in FACT this MINORITY that is DESPERATELY trying to BULLY, DEMEAN etc the MAJORITY.
IT IS IN FACT time that this STOPS.
IT IS IN FACT time for this to STOP NOW.
YOU can come to the party singing the tune "The Feluccans are the SUPERIOR group and is the ONLY ONES HAVING FUN IN UO. The TRAMMIES are nothing and NEED TO BE TAUGHT HOW TO BE". You can come to the party singing that tune. BE MY GUEST, it is a FREE INTERNET.
YOU can also come to the party ready to deal with the REALITIES OF THE UO POPULATION DEMOGRAPHICS.
One way you can be a part of things, the other way you can just be the same old white noise. BUT if you come to the party thinking the (IN YOUR WORDS NOT MINE) 25% CAN DICTATE/DOMINATE to/the 75% then ... well GOOD LUCK TO YOU