Mind you, a solution is to ride a horse or something. But the point is "rescueing" pets by mounting and riding off is a common practise, and changing that WOULD make a major difference to tamers.
Other than using a bard, I was trying to figure out how to defend against someone with a dread mare.
If they dismunt it to attack you, you can poison it, but the instant it is no longer poisoned, or when the owner cures it, he can insta remount it to protect himself and his pet.
If you paralyze it, he just gets on it and rides away. As I said before if he were to get off the dread mare before the para wears off, the mare stays inplace still paralyzed. This just seems wrong to me in regards to PvP only.
In most cases the owner usualy dismounts you the moment he gets off the the mares and then sicks the mare on you which does huge damage. So I again was thinking what can a player do to defend himself, let alone win in that scenario.
That is when I noticed the issue with paralyzing the mare not working if they remount it.
So I tried to poison it to stop them from remounting which is partially efffective, but the moment they cure it they insta mount it. So now you are dismounted and half life with a guy who is now mounted again. Then he just gets close to you again and sicks the mare on you at which point you die.
All this happens in less than 2 seconds, so running away doesnt work, pots dont help, casting greater heal doesnt work, you cant cast invis. There is basically no way to defend yourself unless you are a bard, at which point you may stop the mare from killing you, but the player will kill you just as fast.
It's not that I want to see a "nerf", it's just I would like to see some kind of balance.
To say that since the person is a tamer they should be able to mount faster than someone else is fine with me. But then wouldnt it be the same for me to say that a legendary mage would have certain spell abilities that non-mages couldnt defend against? Just like how its almost impossible to defend against a dread mare.
I mean it like this:
If you have no magic resist and I paralyze you, you can use a trapped box to remove it.
If you have no alchemy you can use greater cure pots like they are going out of style to cure yourself instantly.
So a proposed solution is when a dread mare is paralyzed the owner can not mount it. There should be some risk to his reward just like every other template.
Maybe to cure the mare from poison he should only be able to do it with Vet. I personally have always thought that it should be the only way to heal or cure pets. Too many people run around with taming and no Vet to allow for another skill. Requiring the tamer to have to use vet to heal and cure his pet would be the balance requried to make everything fair.
Another thought which really isnt related to this and i'm sure would put everyone up in arms, other than mages is how about if a mage is dismounted and hes casts earthquake there is a change that whoever is within 3 or 4 tiles from it can be dismounted, regardless of how many people are near him. after all, has anyone ever been in a real earthquake, it's very hard to keep your feet and balance.