It's just a few people with low ethical standards looking to take the easy way out in a virtual game.
Now now, not confuse a different opinion with low ethics. Do tamers have low ethics because their play is a little easier than a pure mages in some aspects? Do pure mages have low ethics because their play is a little easier than a warrior in some aspects? Do vendor shoppers have low ethics because its easier for them to buy from vendors than find or make their own items? I would imagine the answer to each is no.
This is a game, what I do in this game, outside of actual harassment (and no one will convince me that seeing someone unattended macro'ing is in any way harassment), has to do with my enjoyment of the game. Do your own thing, I won't mind. You won't ever hear me dogging you out because you find endless double clicking for several hours of the time while you spend your entire game time doing nothing but mining just so you can finally gm your smithing. If you enjoy it, do it. It won't bother me in the least. And I won't ever dog you out if you enjoy double clicking an npc until the right quest pops up then clicking the make last button over and over till you get the right number of items then digging through your full of items pack to find each item then clicking on each item to make it a quest item then clicking on the npc to turn it in then repeating all day long in the hopes of getting a decent item.
Some people enjoy mind numbing activities, obviously. Some people find them, well, mind numbing. I play this game so that the enjoyment part of my brain is activitated. Not to have my mind numbed. A numb mind does not enjoyment make. At least, not to me.
Bottom line, as stated before, this is a game. A game built for enjoyment. If the game designers can't come up with a system that provides enjoyment for certain activities, those that need to do those activities will seek out ways to curb the tedious nature of them. To me, its the best of both worlds. Those that like mind numbing can have it. Those that don't, aren't forced to suffer it. But, like so many things in this world (religion, politics, etc...) those that like it one way seem to want to go out of their way to make sure that those that like it the other way can't have what they want. Why is that? Those on the other side don't want to inflict their style on anyone. They just want to be able to enjoy the game as they do and let others do the same. To each his own, unless of course your own isn't the same as my own then I will do anything I can to get rid of your own. Which, I guess, means it should actually be said to each my own. Right?
The line is very clearly drawn in the terms of service and the rules of conduct. If you don't approve of where the line is drawn, you can petition to have it moved or even stop playing the game altogether. But it certainly doesn't give you the right (from a game standpoint) to step over it on your own, regardless of how creative or smart or time-saving your methods are.
Why should I petition anything? You might petition to get people you think aren't doing things the same way you are removed but I am the type of person that let's people do what they want. Its nots hurting me in the least. Now, as I stated before, things like duping and unattended resource hording to sell for real money actually impacts the economy which in turn impacts me. That's a different subject completely. But macro'ing to GM a skill that would have very little impact on the game world's economy? Doesn't impact me. Does Player B having GM poisoning by macro'ing really impact you enough for you to go yell to a GM about it more than Player A having GM poisoning from spending a year click click clicking? I wouldn't think so. But like that hard core christian on the street says, that darn atheist is just wrong and should be removed from the world! Ya, I thought so.
Just because EA can't stop bad things from happening 100% of the time doesn't mean they should put less than 100% effort into preventing them. There are certainly steps that can be taken to effectively eliminate the rampant cheating in game.
You are right, having to double click till your wrists are dead is bad. And clearly EA can't stop that or else they would. But, until they can do it, some people will rely on those that can.
And what precedent are you setting if you start allowing a minority of players to steer the development of the game through exploits and game manipulation because they are too lazy to play the game as intended? Pretty soon every game would look like
Progress Quest. And where's the fun in that?
Lazy? Or just different from you? Do I call you stupid and mindless because you seem to like mindless tasks like double clicking for hours? Not at all. Its not laziness at all that causes me to want a better system for things like skill gain in this game. I don't have hours and hours to play like some do. So, I should never have the chance to enjoy all aspects of this game because I don't have the time it takes to manually click for hours a day to get high enough skills to get to them? Of course, it goes back to "My way is right and your way is wrong" that is so prevelant on these boards. Trammies hate fellies because they choose a different playstyle than them. Fellies hate trammies because they choose a different playstyle than them. Rp'ers hate non rp'ers because they choose a different playstyle than them. Non rp'ers hate rp'ers because they choose a different playstyle than them. I was foolish to expect anything different. Or was it lazy? I don't know, pick whatever word you want to describe it.
As for precedent, if a minority of the playerbase can get EA to change the mind numbing aspects of the game I say great! After all, it was the majority of people in England that decided to break off from there and form a grand new country called the USA. Right? Majority always rules I say. Or, I don't say. But, you seem to. So, as I stated before, more power to ya. I won't be paging a gm on you for it so enjoy.