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Please remove Polls!


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
This is getting ridiculous! Everyone and their dogs are creating polls that aren't even about anything. Please allow polls by mods and admin only.


JC the Builder

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It is just a new thing. Once people lose interest they will stop using them so much as was the case with Bulk Order Deeds, Community Collections and Thieves.


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It's not like polls couldn't be created on the other forums. Just that they could only be made by plus members...la


It's My Birthday
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I think I am the guilty one of starting the trend. Sorry 'bout that. I at least tried to make my polls UO relevent and hopefully provide useful information to someone at EA or Stratics. It was all for fun though, not serious information gathering.

I think JC is right though... they're just kind of new and fun right now. They'll wear off before long. And they might be made a Plus only feature once the move is completed anyways.

It would be nice if Stratics or EA would sponsor at least a weekly poll. Something relevent but not too heated. No one is really going to take them too seriously anyways... but the effort would be nice. ;)


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It would be nice if Stratics or EA would sponsor at least a weekly poll. Something relevent but not too heated. No one is really going to take them too seriously anyways... but the effort would be nice.
I could live with that. I don't mind polls so much. I just don't want to see a forum full of them. rolleyes:


I could live with that. I don't mind polls so much. I just don't want to see a forum full of them. rolleyes:
A really nasty thought popped into my head ... a Forum "Polls Only". If you want to setup one, do it there. Set one up in here or any other forum, it gets move there.

prolly :lame: but it's not :offtopic:.

Fun with smileys day ... can ya tell?

Prince Caspian

This is getting ridiculous! Everyone and their dogs are creating polls that aren't even about anything. Please allow polls by mods and admin only.

Lets put it to a vote. :p

Pickles: "I was actually the president of the Voting Sucks Club in High School."
Nathan: "How did that go?"
Pickles: "Well, I never got re-elected..."
- Metalocalypse


This is getting ridiculous! Everyone and their dogs are creating polls that aren't even about anything. Please allow polls by mods and admin only.

What does that change?
There's always been a lot of new thread per day on UHall. Now some of them have a poll. Are you forced to read them? Do they slow down your computer? Do they aggress you?
I don't think so.

People wanna include a poll in their discussion, let them do. Besides, if you think about it, threads on UHall are much more about giving an opinion than changing your own opinion about something. So it can all be sumed up by a poll. Then if you feel like a debate is needed, click the "Reply" button. Maybe someone will change their opinion, or will change yours.


What does that change?
There's always been a lot of new thread per day on UHall. Now some of them have a poll. Are you forced to read them? Do they slow down your computer? Do they aggress you?
I don't think so.

People wanna include a poll in their discussion, let them do. Besides, if you think about it, threads on UHall are much more about giving an opinion than changing your own opinion about something. So it can all be sumed up by a poll. Then if you feel like a debate is needed, click the "Reply" button. Maybe someone will change their opinion, or will change yours.
I agree, it's better than having polls censered so that only only moderators and friends of moderators get a say in what people may discuss in a poll.


Queen of The Outlaws
Stratics Veteran
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Campaign Patron
I like polls, alot posting on stratics is about wish for changes to something. The poll is just a nice tools to use when starting a debat.

Lets say, I make a post. "Town attack is lame, could we move the spam outside guard zone?"

My goal with the post is to hear how many who feel the same way and start a debat about it.

People will still post their opinions and the poll will sum up nicely to show if I have support for my wish.

my vote is keep the polls. You forgot to add the poll to the thread :lick:


Queen of The Outlaws
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Patron
I agree, it's better than having polls censered so that only only moderators and friends of moderators get a say in what people may discuss in a poll.
As long it's about UO and not breaking the ROC, a thread made to debat something should be allowed with or without a poll added.

Some also hate threads where the debat don't go the way they wish, guess they hate it even more when they can see only few agree with them:lick: