Let's get some specifics here. Please omit the standard scripter hoopla, the UOA references, and the UOAM stuff. Instead post some specifics of what you want. It goes without saying a robust macro system is needed to support the complexities this game offers. I'll lead off with some examples.
Mining/Lumberjacking - press 1 key, auto targets every mountain/tree in range and mines/chops until they are dry or your tool breaks. You still put in the time hunting down the type of resource you want and you have to spend the time there to gather the resource same as normal minus all the clicking.
Crafting items - press 1 key, remove X amount of item Y from container Z and make item A until you break your tool or run out of resources.
Dressing/undressing - press 1 key and equip/unequip everything you normally have in your paperdoll
Skill training - taming for example - press 1 key, target appears, target animal, taming attempts continue X times or until tame, then renames and releases or kills
I know some of that stuff can be done to varying degrees with what we have now. But a nice macro recording/playing system in the client is very much needed.
Mining/Lumberjacking - press 1 key, auto targets every mountain/tree in range and mines/chops until they are dry or your tool breaks. You still put in the time hunting down the type of resource you want and you have to spend the time there to gather the resource same as normal minus all the clicking.
Crafting items - press 1 key, remove X amount of item Y from container Z and make item A until you break your tool or run out of resources.
Dressing/undressing - press 1 key and equip/unequip everything you normally have in your paperdoll
Skill training - taming for example - press 1 key, target appears, target animal, taming attempts continue X times or until tame, then renames and releases or kills
I know some of that stuff can be done to varying degrees with what we have now. But a nice macro recording/playing system in the client is very much needed.