First, let me say that Whispering Rose is an excellent addition to UO and the game, and an active radio station with dedicated employees who go out of their way to provide UO information, give interviews, and generally promote and assist the community is a fantastic thing and they should definitely be commended for it.
The problem here is on both ends, EA is being ban happy with the URL rule, and I think it's going a bit overboard. The other end is Whispering Rose's choice of sponsors, including 3 known dupers being advertised (not just fences, actual dupers), and unfortunately that may have been a factor into why the GM's decided to take action on that URL being relayed.
To solve the first issue, I think EA needs to go over its internal policies for banning URL's.
The second, I would venture to say that the UO community at large would pay for legitimate advertising spots on the WRR webpage. I would contribute as much as needed to replace several of those brokers ads with ads for UOguide, community forums like Thelostlands and UOforums, and roleplay community sites like UOcommunity, ARPC, Paxlair, Great Lakes high council etc....
The problem is on two fronts, EA's policy, and the websites themselves. That being said, I don't think a ban was necessary considering Whispering Roses importance to the community, however I can't say I completely agree or disagree with either side.