Wintermoor was an old player run town, built and maintained by Xanthar. Wow, this is a long time ago, so memory may not be quite up to speed...
He left the game, but the player run towns of fel, the old Fel, when it was the only world, had quite a few blessed establishments in them, (see Rivendell for example). These places could not be sold, or traded, if memory serves correctly.
As the story went, a while back, the gms had removed most of the rares from these towers, which were used as museums. The towers evidently lost their blessed status? and went idoc, at which time, in order to preserve some of the shards history, JC evidently petitioned EA and recieved the buildings.
All this is handed down, I didnt personally witness any of it, so take it as you will.
Mainly just seems some peeps have a problem with jealousy and tower envy.
This topic has been talked, debated, griped about, for the last year or more.
Personally, I dont care who has em, long as they are there and maintained. Would be a shame to see more Atlantic history lost/destroyed, there are so many players who never got to see them active and open, and so many peeps that never got to enter and enjoy the Mage Tower.
Saving the history, is the main thing, not who has what.
/end opinion