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Thoughts on a classic shard...


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I am thinking why not go back to a classic shard where you could only get items like the fortification - indestructable armors, (silver) regular vanq - power etc weapons, and where crafting was the old exceptional stuff again. Where blacksmiths worked in the towns for hunters repairing etc. Let the new classic shard have all the old rules but keep all the new lands. Reds and blues could live together or fight against each other. The times when blues had to band together to hunt or protect other hunters. Back in these days duping was not an issue because the maxed out items were fairly attainable hunting, thunting, or by doing sos's. I just remember back then how much more fun it really was and how important it was to have good friends. Just some food for thought but I bet allot of us would move to a shard like that where no xsharding would be possible. - leave out the arties, recipes, bods, seeds, and all the other new stuff and go back to the simplistic values that made friends more important in the game then currency. I would sell out everything on Pacific to join such a shard again.


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Dude your :bdh:, while this it's pretty much assured this won't happen you can try Siege...No Insurance, most the stuff used is player crafted, and community interaction is higher per capita than most shards.

It Lives

Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It is a bad idea. Having limited items to play with/ things to do. BORING!

Most players have multiple needs to fill not just social ones( or anti-social), and a classic shard only fits a few people's needs. (change is good).