Its been going on a couple years now that the players have been complaining of the same people exceeding the speedcap over and over. One player was even so bold as to to post screenshots of himself on stratics which included at least 4 cheats he had going on(2 client mods and 2 itpp) Players posted in outrage at this but this player and his guildmates that skip around in the same manner are still running around at lightning speed. These players can run off screen at will and as long as they are willing to run will never die. Dismounts arent real effective because they are nearly as fast on foot as other players are mounted.My question is should we all just start speedhacking? Is anything ever going to be done? because it sure seems it shouldnt take sometimes even years for EA to take action. The devs on these forums continue to sidestep the subject. E mails go unanswered by Jeremy, pages to GMs are little more than a canned response and quite frankly legitimate players are fed up. Cmon EA take a stance on this. Every bit of game balancing you do goes out the window because speedhacks arent taken into consideration. Im not a casual pvper that doesnt know what im talking about. Ive played this game for 9 years and know when someone is cheating. Its always the same people over and over and it never gets any less frustrating. EA you need to do what you did with dupers and people knowingly buying duped items and do it these speedhackers. Pvp is quite pointless right now because of it. I try to log in this game but unfortunately the same players are doing the same things reguardless of when or where I log in. Something needs to be done.