So much for the virtues this game was founded upon.....
Sorry but that went out the window with AoS.
Being red these days is nothing more than a fashion statement.
I think when anyone enters Fel they should turn red or orange. If you cant stand the heat get out of the kitchen. ( This in reality would probably hurt Fel since most blues are gate hugging pansies. If they knew they would be red when entering Fel they wouldnt come at all.)
I've said it before that Red should be alowed in Tram, but they should have to follow the Tream ruleset. Meaning a blue can not attack a red in Tram. If you want to PvP join a faction or go to Fel.
Also there are more virtueless Blues in Fel than there are Reds. At least with a red you know what you get.
And yes I would like to at least see something done to the Non-Spawn dungeons in Fel to attract more players. Adding more land would be nice, but they could easily use some of the empty dungeons to spice things up.
I personally think that every dungeon in the game shold have some sort of Peerless monster in it, because the way it stands today their is absolutely no reason to go to a dungeon in Fel other than Chanp spawsn.
The loot on Ogre Lords, Wyrms, Ancient Wyrms, G-Dragons, Succubi, Liche Lords, Balrons, and any other high end monster I left out is non-existant and makes the killing of these creatures pointless.