Ok my guild has done two rat spawns today. One at 2pm est and again just a few minutes ago. We got raided by a non guild character named Ralph he killed us. But we went back and finished the spawn. By the way my guild currently consist of two active people. Me and Uchia. _I_ didn't come raid us they killed me in the star room but Uchia got away with the scrolls.
Between the 2 spawns we got 120 healing 120 tactics and 120 mace.
_I_ is not all powerful and all knowing. Get it in gear and kick some butt. Spawning to me is like capture the flag get the whites you win.
However i do give _I_ this that was a sweet trap in the moonroom. When i popped through my brain did a total wtf.
Between the 2 spawns we got 120 healing 120 tactics and 120 mace.
_I_ is not all powerful and all knowing. Get it in gear and kick some butt. Spawning to me is like capture the flag get the whites you win.
However i do give _I_ this that was a sweet trap in the moonroom. When i popped through my brain did a total wtf.