Just wanted to share my story. My account has been terminated. Why? Because I bought something that was "illegal". Do I know what that is? No. I do know that I have never bought a val/vel hammer or barbed runic kit. What did I buy? Heritage tokens, cloaks of corruption, pendant of the magi, boomstick, and some other things. EA has not informed me of what was a dubbed item. So, I am terminated cuz I went shopping (in Luna and outside of Luna).
To me, and this is my thoughts, EA is punishing the shoppers. Does it state in the ToS that it is illegal to shop? No, not that I am aware of. If EA has issues with dupped items, why not just delete the dubbed items? Why take the accounts of many that have no idea (some would say that price is an indicator, too high or too low, but in reality, how are we really supposed to know?) that an item was dubbed? If EA would have just taken the dubbed items, I can understand that and would say, "Well that sucks that I spent money on that, and it's now gone." But to terminate my account because I really had absolutely no way to know that an item was dupped? I know that others are in my boat. I am aware that some people will say ,"Well, you are guilty just for buying, so good ridance." To those people I would like to say this, you are not safe either. You may think that you are doing everything that you are supposed to do, you may feel that you never have done anything wrong, but trust me on this, you too could be terminated for something you are unaware of. And then you will know the feeling of, "What did I do to deserve this?" and then you just might get the response from EA of, "We will no longer address this issue with you."
In my opinion, no one is safe from EA's whims. If dubbing has been a problem for so long, and they are aware that it is a continual problem and they have not fixed the problem, then why are they punishing people, when they themselves cannot protect us from dubbers? Would I intentionally purchase something dubbed? HECK NO! I ENJOY THE GAME TOO MUCH! I really have enjoyed playing the game; I have met some very remarkable people that honestly, have brought so many smiles to my face when I enteract with them. I have laughed so hard that I have cried! I will miss that. My friends- that is what I will miss the most.
So, to sum it up, EA cannot stop the dubbing. They cannot identify items that are dubbed in enough time to prevent people from buying them (here's a thought- if an item that is put on a vendor has insurance, and that vendor will not except insured items, why cannot the same be done for dubbed items? Auto delete something that is dubbed when it is put on a vendor? To me, it's a good idea; is it doable? I don't know, I have no clue about programming).
Am I angery? No. I am very hurt. Very sad. I have lost my connection with people that I have grown to care about. I have lost a way to hang with people that I would never be able to hang with in real life (because of the distance between us). And what wrong did I do? I bought something.
To EA- thank you for allowing me to met some great people. But, you are so in the wrong to punish people that have absolutely no real way to identify a dubbed item. You, EA, have allowed this problem of dubbing to continue. It is your game. You can fix the real problem- the dubbers. But instead, you want to punish people that have no way of knowing if an item is dubbed.