so i log onto icq today and there waiting for me is a icq from a guild mate and very good personal friend.
she had one of her accounts banned.
i was shocked.
ive played with this person for a couple years now and out of all of us she is the grandmother of the group (besides the fact that is actually IS a grandmother!)
so what has this to do with me.
well, a lot.
this is how it goes.
a year or so ago my sonoma faction guild decided that we where gonna start going from shard to shard and doing factions. So this guild mate of ours took up the role of holding the houses for us on all the shards we where going too.
so we came to Napa, played factions, then left after we where done.
that was a couple months ago that we left and moved on.
so now all of a sudden she gets this email saying account banned house go BOOM.
what the hell.
hahhahaha, like seriouslly, if ya heard this frail old lady in team speak knitting away and drinking honeyed tea youd be laughing your asses of right now!
here is a direct quote from her letter.
this is what worries me.
'YOU WHERE IN POSSESSION OF A MULTITUDE OF HIGHLLY ILLEGAL ITEMS' now i know for a fact that my guild mate purchased all of her equiptment.
as with most of us who work full time jobs and have way too much money burning a hole in our pockets its easyier to just pay $50 to a merchant and get 70 mill and go buy all the equiptment that you need on that shard to make and use on our characters.
i know thats what i do.
i make big money. i dont think anything about dropping money to get gold in game and buy up enough gear to suit up 10 or 15 guys on a new shard.
so why does this worry me?
cause i know for a fact that she purchased all of her equiptment from venders in luna.
the same as i did.
the same as the other members of out guild did.
so this could have been me 'IN POSSESSION OF A MULTITUDE OF HIGHLLY ILLEGAL ITEMS', jesus, i probablly AM in possession of a multitude of highlly illegal items because i buy a LOT of stuff in game, im serious, we went to what 8 shards over the last year and on each of those shards i spent probablly 50 mill on items, so do the math.
artys where cheap last year.
you could get pretty much any arty for under a mill on the bigger shards.
so say i probablly have 50 artys on 10 production shards each.
how do i know which ones are duped?
bloody hell!
if i turned on my game and got banned like she did id be sitting in a cabin in montana making up some real nice packages to mail to EA i tell ya.
there has to be something that EA can do.
arbitrarilly going along and banning people just because they purchase items is unrealistic, to the extreem.
hell, ill PAY to have EA come and go thought my accounts and take OUT the duped items just so i dont have to worry about getting banned in this ******** witch burning inquest they have going on!!!!
and i am 100% serious about this.
that is a sad statment to have to make.
sad times that we live in where we have to live in fear of plaing the game and buying stuff from venders under pains or fear of getting banned because of our purcheses.
infact, i find it immpossible to think that i havnt inadvertantlly purchased duped artys if my guildmate has, so if for some strange twist of fate my accounts live through this witch hunt im vowing to never..... ever... buy any item off a vender again.
death to UO in game economy.
she had one of her accounts banned.
i was shocked.
ive played with this person for a couple years now and out of all of us she is the grandmother of the group (besides the fact that is actually IS a grandmother!)
so what has this to do with me.
well, a lot.
this is how it goes.
a year or so ago my sonoma faction guild decided that we where gonna start going from shard to shard and doing factions. So this guild mate of ours took up the role of holding the houses for us on all the shards we where going too.
so we came to Napa, played factions, then left after we where done.
that was a couple months ago that we left and moved on.
so now all of a sudden she gets this email saying account banned house go BOOM.
what the hell.
hahhahaha, like seriouslly, if ya heard this frail old lady in team speak knitting away and drinking honeyed tea youd be laughing your asses of right now!
here is a direct quote from her letter.
in possession of a multitude of highlly illegal items.Thank you for contacting Ultima Online Support.
I am very sorry to hear of your account being terminated. However, you were found to be in possession of a multitude of highly illegal items in Ultima Online. Due to the severe nature of this ToS violation, your account was terminated. Sufficient evidence was verified to justify this termination.
Please be advised, we cannot give specific detailed information as to what items were in possession but be assured that we have fully investigated each case separately and found your account to be in violation.
this is what worries me.
'YOU WHERE IN POSSESSION OF A MULTITUDE OF HIGHLLY ILLEGAL ITEMS' now i know for a fact that my guild mate purchased all of her equiptment.
as with most of us who work full time jobs and have way too much money burning a hole in our pockets its easyier to just pay $50 to a merchant and get 70 mill and go buy all the equiptment that you need on that shard to make and use on our characters.
i know thats what i do.
i make big money. i dont think anything about dropping money to get gold in game and buy up enough gear to suit up 10 or 15 guys on a new shard.
so why does this worry me?
cause i know for a fact that she purchased all of her equiptment from venders in luna.
the same as i did.
the same as the other members of out guild did.
so this could have been me 'IN POSSESSION OF A MULTITUDE OF HIGHLLY ILLEGAL ITEMS', jesus, i probablly AM in possession of a multitude of highlly illegal items because i buy a LOT of stuff in game, im serious, we went to what 8 shards over the last year and on each of those shards i spent probablly 50 mill on items, so do the math.
artys where cheap last year.
you could get pretty much any arty for under a mill on the bigger shards.
so say i probablly have 50 artys on 10 production shards each.
how do i know which ones are duped?
bloody hell!
if i turned on my game and got banned like she did id be sitting in a cabin in montana making up some real nice packages to mail to EA i tell ya.
there has to be something that EA can do.
arbitrarilly going along and banning people just because they purchase items is unrealistic, to the extreem.
hell, ill PAY to have EA come and go thought my accounts and take OUT the duped items just so i dont have to worry about getting banned in this ******** witch burning inquest they have going on!!!!
and i am 100% serious about this.
that is a sad statment to have to make.
sad times that we live in where we have to live in fear of plaing the game and buying stuff from venders under pains or fear of getting banned because of our purcheses.
infact, i find it immpossible to think that i havnt inadvertantlly purchased duped artys if my guildmate has, so if for some strange twist of fate my accounts live through this witch hunt im vowing to never..... ever... buy any item off a vender again.
death to UO in game economy.