Okay, so Jeremy. I understand you're really getting a lot of the brunt of this... but seriously I would like you to answer two questions that I know a lot of people have.
How do we as players know which items are or are not dupes?
What items can NOT be duped?
We can't go by price because let's face it nothing stops the dupers from raising their prices to look more legit or that people are buying them low and reselling them.
The only way safe is to make sure we get them ourselves... so we just took the multi-player out of UO and made it a single player game.
I know a lot of you enjoy this game, but this only adds to the reasons me and many others are leaving.
What I used to enjoy...
Casual hunting... changes to BoS killed that for me. I used to hunt Miasmas and Dark wisps and now I have to leave every few kills before I am overloaded. An' they aren't locations where I can just "recall out and back".
Mining/LJing... I actually enjoy relaxing in something that doesn't take a lot of thinking at times (why I enjoyed solo hunting). Oh wait, I can do that, but the resources are now worthless because its all random and scripters STILL have the advantage as far as gathering.
RPing... no more support for rp guilds or rping. New contentis mainly a goodie, eye candy fest. (Still can't figure out the rp reason why we turn in moldy ophidian rations and would take a bird's nest).
Being a merchant... can no longer buy low and sell high as many merchants do because I won't know if what I'm buying is a dupe. Heck, I imagine the amount of sales will drop as people will be scared of the same thing as there is NO WAY FOR US TO TELL what are dupes and what isn't.
Okay, IDOCs... its like a morning surprise xmas. Damn wait, anything I get from them now might be duped...
Okay, okay... I can still PvP right? Oh damn... I forgot... in order to compete against other pvps even remotely I need to have good gear. Well can't buy the items from vendors... so any artifacts I need I have to spend weeks in Doom for the random chance of getting, or do BoDs... oh wait, I forgot.. in order to do bods I need to open a bunch more accounts for bodlings in order to get the bods I need as I shouldn't be buying/trading bods as they might be duped ones. Don't forget about having to spend weeks and weeks getting the resources to train the bod chars as we shouldn't buy deeded resources as they might be duped...
I realize Jeremy you are only the messenger and probably aren't involved in making these calls, but seriously please find out the answers for us. Are we going to be reverted back into an essentially single player type game where we don't dare buy/sell to other players? Is the only way we can get the items we want is to get them ourselves? That's semi-feasible in some screwed up way (i.e many, many, many hours/days/wks) for items that still spawn. What about the ones that don't? Rares, tokuno dyes, tokuno arties, ticket turn-ins, etc... some are just eye candy but some give an advantage to pvp/pvm.
An for those that think that the duping is only the high-end stuff, you're mistaken. If they aren't already duping the lower end stuff, they will. Its pure profit for them so even though they wouldn't be making a lot it won't matter. So even non high-end stuff won't be safe (if it already isn't.).