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Where do all these dupe bugs keep COMING from?

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Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It seems like they fix a dupe bug every two months. Where do these things keep coming from?

Anyway, what do I care? I found a lovely freeshard with no neon crap, no ninjas, no elves or robots, where monsters drop 6gp and a house costs 1k, where there's no powder of fortification, crafters are viable, and everyone roleplays. EA can take it's blaze-cu superdragon neon elf samurai crap and it's cocoa seeds and cram it.


Babbling Loonie
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unfortunately, those freeshards usually don't have more than 50 people online at a time.


Well if the shard rhymes with UO Tamer, then its a pretty well used shard and has been around for half of EA's Ultima.


Freeshards are ok.

but then again , they're not run by a company but by a 'player'.
And they eventual get bored with it and close down their shard.

Xalan Dementia

Slightly Crazed
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Perhaps beefy should stop posting here and post on his freeshards forum. I find it funny to watch the grumpy children post whines on here and then say "What should I care, I dont play uo anymore" Please just get back on to your soulless lvl grinding game and leave our world.


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The one I'm on has been around for 4 years now, and has an entirely custom world built around the size of it's playerbase. I'm more likely to run into players out in the wild on my freeshard than I am on most of EA's shards in this broken-down abandoned game.

I just find it hilarious when Jeremy seems to be coming here going "Hey guys, great news, we fixed some dupes!" every few weeks and nobody stops to think where they keep coming from. The codebase for UO must be a completely demolished wreck.

Enjoy paying forty million gold for neon blue and yellow armor, suckers.


Enjoy paying forty million gold for neon blue and yellow armor, suckers.
That's the best you've got?
Quite sad...

What's sadder is that, not only to we have to put up with you coming here with your lame attacks, but another group out there has to put up with you, too...

I hope you have fun, and never look back.

Xalan Dementia

Slightly Crazed
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Stratics Legend
Well I hope beefy has fun getting hacked through his freeshard play. Theres no security at all on them and your just asking for trouble. Think about it, theres no real policing of freeshards so one could be around for years hacking thier "players" and never recieve punishment. UO has survived this long with whining quitters and will continue.


Most freeshards are run by players, and most don't have a consistent 50 on. There are 5-10 that have a consistent 700+ on, and are run by companies. They have been up for years, and show much, much more life than any current EA shard.

Theres that.


Oh, and scripting on those freeshards is highly illegal, and they have paid GM's that search for scripters. Accounts on freeshards are more secure than EA's accounts as well, often before you are allowed to play on some of the freeshards you are required to fill out a form or two to ensure the security of your account.

Xalan Dementia

Slightly Crazed
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Stratics Legend
yes you fill out a form with personal info and submit to someone you have no real knowledge of. Run the risk of being used by them if you wish.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
My current freeshard required a detailed roleplay character application, but no personal information at all. The idea that all these freeshards are secretly hacking their hundreds or thousands of users for years on end is just an unfounded fantasy on your part to escape the truth: I'm playing a better version of UO than you, and I'm playing it for free.

Have fun collecting thirty million gold just to buy some some neon green ninja hat, or whatever, for your elf samurai tamer paladin. Enjoy your stupid ugly items and your utterly destroyed economy. Enjoy watching the same script-miners do their thing day after week after month after year. And your cocoa seeds. LOL.


Have fun collecting thirty million gold just to buy some some neon green ninja hat, or whatever, for your elf samurai tamer paladin. Enjoy your stupid ugly items and your utterly destroyed economy. Enjoy watching the same script-miners do their thing day after week after month after year. And your cocoa seeds. LOL.
That's not really an improvement...

But, since you said so.
We will ;)
Thank you for your good wishes.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It doesn't need to be improved. Go slay a dragon. Take his loot. Slay a thousand more. Take their loot as well. Combine this loot of a thousand dragons and realize that you can still walk into Luna and find a hundred pairs of leather gloves that you can't afford. The UO economy is completely destroyed.


It doesn't need to be improved. Go slay a dragon. Take his loot. Slay a thousand more. Take their loot as well. Combine this loot of a thousand dragons and realize that you can still walk into Luna and find a hundred pairs of leather gloves that you can't afford. The UO economy is completely destroyed.
None of that actually limits my enjoyment of the game :p


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Just my two coppers here. Once in a great while I revisit these forums just to see how this old game is going. It broke my heart years ago before it would seem most of you even started playing judging by join dates. Granted, this isn't my first account here either so don't take offense. However, there are two things I see that I want to address.

First of all, I wan't to point out that fact that there is nothing wrong with EA. EA is a corporate publishing machine. They don't dabble in hardly any game production. EA of 5+ years ago is not the EA of today. They don't pressure developers to hit release dates like they use to. In fact, I can think of several games that have actually recieved delays. Most of the gripes people complain about in the way of EA really should be directed at the developers. EA isn't conspiring against Ultima, they arn't trying to drive the fanbase away before WAR launches. Anyone that thinks this is foolish. Remember, this is coming from someone who once shared the burning hatred for EA when they aquired Origin back in the day, but I grew up and wised up. EA has more money then they could possibly know what to do with. Ultima is just a fly on their back. The kind you don't notice and that doesn't bother you, to. Somewhere in some book hidden away in a deep dark room in the very back of a filing cabinet is Ultima Online's funding outline. EA probably doesn't even know it exists anymore. And if they did, they wouldn't care.

Second of all, those of you spreading heresay about free shards don't know what you're talking about. You sound like a bunch of scared puppies with your tails between your legs. As if your mommy and daddy slapped your wrist through your childhood and said things like "Don't give out your name online! Don't go in chatrooms! God forbid you purchase things from a website!". The only way a freeshard can steal your UO account, let alone anything else, is if you are FLIPPIN ********!! Don't use the same account name and password! Most of these servers even tell you that! dee-dedee! Also, the numbers don't lie. Some of these servers have hundreds if not thousands of people on simultaneously at peak hours DAILY, and have been around for years and years. So seriously people, do yourself and everyone else a favor. Stop talking about things that you don't know ANYTHING about. You're just spreading misinformation to people which doesn't do anybody any good.

Its not surprise to me that I hardly see any of the oldbies of these forums browsing through them now. The audacity that some of you have to make these rediculous claims in astounding. For the love of god, even all of the moderators and administrators I see have post-2007 registration dates. What ever happened to good old senority? And just to state it for the record, my first account was Elizabeth Hime, which was registered in december 2000 me thinks, and later deleted and reopened in 2003, and I think deleted again since then.

Anyways, like I said. Just my two coppers. Not trying to start a fight or troll or anything like that. Sorry if I came off that way. //edit Btw, I like your sig Kiminality. ;)


Just to note, Stratics had a recent "catastrophic data loss" thing, which is why you're seeing a lot of recent registrations for these forums.
11 year vets, and newbies alike, had to re-register.

Comparing EA shards to Freeshards, and drawing a conclusion as to which is better is generally flawed.
One example would be. It's easy to point to the populations of some freeshards, and declare them good. But that ignores the point that, if they're good, why do people still drop money into EA's pockets? You would think, on the surface, that being free would be an almost irresistable draw. But it's not.
It's not entirely so, but I call a degree of apples and oranges.

Also, thanks 4th3ist ;)
It's actually a really old one I dug out, when the forums were still "temporary" after the loss. Never planned on keeping it, but it's grown on me, again.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Ah, ok then. I wasn't aware of the data loss. I remember I revisited the forums in 07 and was on my E Hime account, the reregistration date was in 2003 or 04 I believe due to some kind of bug in the forums, however I could still find posts I made with that account name before I reopened the account. Interesting ;) So I'm not surprised that there have been hiccup's since then.

As far as the whole freeshard thing goes, I would first like to state again that I don't play UO in any form anymore and havn't in years. I feel compelled to revisit these forums on the rare occassion though because the game was once such a huge part of my life/childhood. However, I would like to add onto the topic that its not really a debate about freeshards being better then EA/mythic shards. Rather, it is entirely opinionated and subjective. There are many freeshards out there that can and will capture that pre-pub16 and even pre-ren feeling that oldschoolers miss. However, myself included, you will find that it is short lived in most cases. I've come to realize that this game, in all its greatness, is not something I can ever come back to. I guess I'm kind of like a crack fiend looking for that first high again. Ha.

What really makes UO great for most of us is the people that you enjoy it with. I don't know any of my old UO companions anymore. Most have moved on or I've just lost touch with them. I reactivated my UO account a couple of times actually to run around and see how things are these days. It just seems like a completely different game. Everything costs so much money now to that it is lineage2-esque. I feel like I'm playing some korean grindfest when I revisit UO now. So I did what anyone else in my situation would do having good tunes with empty pockets. I ebayed enough gold to purchase a nice plot in fellucca and re-equip my main tune. I got a large marble house right next to the Jhelom farms, where my old clannies use to be in Cats.

After little over a week, I realized that people were to preoccupied with getting their neon hued items of +23 insta-death to actually play the game. No one could spare the time of day to me. My gripes with everything are way to extensive to get into the details, and I'm realizing this as I'm writting so I'm going to cut it short. But to summarize, I guess what I'm trying to say is that if you're unhappy with the state of the game, seriously, stop giving EA your money. I did. There is life after UO. I deactivated my account way back in 04 or 05 and havn't REALLY looked back since one breif revisit. If you have a real itch for MMO's, I guess you can cling to your hope. There isn't anything out there that brings back the feel of the old days. I had fun with Lineage 2 for awhile, but that was it. Vanguard was good fun but to bug-ridden. And everything feels like a grind-fest for that matter.

I've been patiently waitting for Darkfall Online for the past five years and will continue to do so. The MMO itch is getting pretty bad for me. I mean hell, here I am griping about an MMO I havn't even played in years. There are plenty of other great genre's of games out there with great games to boot. But I like to think myself a veteran of all styles of games, and as such they all seem cookie-cutter clones now. If I don't get an MMO here soon to seriously grab hold like the UO of old did once upon a time I think it will be time for me to throw in the video game towel. Perhaps I'll take up a "real" hobby, like sports. Lol. Probably not :D


Stratics' Finest
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This thread may be a worthy rant however, Free Shards may not be discussed on UO Stratics.

The only thing that is needed to know is that they are Illegal by EA's Terms of Service.

Thank you all for your cooperation.
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