But it comes down to what you value more :
UO as a whole, free of cheaters and with an economy only damaged by the overabundance of gold on creatures...
Or your own personal collection of rares.
I would say this is a flawed argument. I would say I value community over the items I own. The only real value of my items have is the sentimental value which comes from the people in the community who I've spent time with. If it meant helping the community in a significant way, I'd gladly give up my trinkets and baubles.
But it wouldn't help the community in a significant way.
As a few have said, most bigtime dupers and scripters transfer their wealth into real world cash. They won't lose out from a wipe. If anything it will create a market for more ill gotten gains as the people who stay feel pressure to get back to their old levels of power. This market will mean that cheating remains profitable, so people will find new ways to cheat. Eventually, we'd be back were we started after punishing a few thousand innocent players.
These aren't the same dupes of years past. These are new bugs that people are finding and exploiting. So explain to me how a wipe would actually make UO cheat-free? Don't most scripters still get away with it constantly? It is a solution that only deals with a symptom to the problem without actually dealing with the problem. There have been fresh new shards over the years, and within a few months or years, they have the same problems the rest of our shards have.
Let's deal with the problem. Let's suggest actual solutions instead of dystopic dreams:
1. Better money and item tracking in the code.
2. Greater limits on newbie and temporary accounts.
3. More limits on moving across shards.