Hello all,
I am sorry if truely 'innocent' people are being banned, however, it can appropriate for those who people claim to be inocent to be caught in the net in some circumstances.
I have worked in many organisation in Government / Private sector / voluntary organisation - in every single organisation I have been governed by some form of 'Code of Conduct' document which outlined clearly the organisation's expectations of me both inside and outside of the work enviroment.
And in every case it has clearly stated that not only do my actions need to be fair and proper but they also need to be SEEN to be fair and proper - that is to say that a 'reasonable person test' applies - what would a reasonable person think of my actions.
When you translate this to some of our more esteemed people in UO who are now crying foul, I am concerned that your associations, actions and dealing over time may serve to paint you with the same brush as those who are really guilty.
How often have we seen some of our more prominent rare sellers selling the same 'unique' item over and over again (even those which are supposed to be 'on offs' or very limited in numbers) ? From a 'reasonable persons' perspective I have concerns that you were being willfully blind to the illegal actions of others - Even if you were not involved in the Dupe or other illegal action, you must have had reason to be suspicion that the items you were trading may be taited.
Yes, this is not real life - it's a game. But by the same token, a lot of the people crying foul have at times professed to have only the games best interests at heart - if that was truely the case why would they either directly or directly / knowingly or or otherwise be involved in anything that could reasonably be seen to be taited??
Without knowing all the facts I can not be certain either way as to the guilt or innocence of those here who are crying foul, having said that, if I was to apply the reasonable person test based on my observations over the time I have been here, I would certainly have some concerns about a few people - be they real or perceived
Thanks Mezzac